SBM ITB Successfully Achives ISO Certification

Oleh Bangkit Dana Setiawan

Editor Bangkit Dana Setiawan

BANDUNG, - School of Business and Management (SBM) ITB succeeded in getting certificate International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2008 becauseof the achievement in quality guarantee management and education. This international level acreditation was directly announced by Jamaludin Malik as head of auditing from Sucofindo International Certification Service (SISC) on Wednesday(19/02/14) in SBM Buiding, ITB. This acreditaion's scope is Management Department and work units which are contained in SBM ITB.
"This certificate is the proof of quality sevice to student and partner, it is the result for  hard effort by SBM ITB team," said Prof. Dr. Sudarso Kaderi Wiryono as Dean of SBM ITB. SBM was established since 2008 ago, SBM has released graduate with high quality education. This has been recognized by most of SBM ITB alumnies who today has become a leader in company which is concern on financial side. "SBM ITB always does analysis for new strategy in future in order to reaching better quality," said Sudarso.

Sucofindo Internastional Certification Service (SICS) is Indonesian certification agency which is established for auditing to companies that can achieve international quality. This agency does the audit with international standard wich has been regulated by world certification organization. SICS gives that international certification because the quality of SBM ITB can be considered has achieved international standard. Those standards include quality, management system, and the resulting product.

As the school which concern about business and management, SBM ITB deserve to be proud of that. Because SBM ITB is the one and only school of business in Indonesia which can achive international standard quality. No wonder if SBM ITB is considered as school which always results high quality graduate. "This achievement is milestone for SBM ITB in order to increases and do evolution for much better," said Dr Aurik Gustomo as Dean vice of SBM ITB human resource. This world level acreditation can be used as achievement for teamwork of SBM ITB for reaching world class institution.

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