School of Pharmacy ITB Inaugurate 39 New Pharmacists
By Medhira Handinidevi
Editor Medhira Handinidevi

This prosession begins with the report from the chair of pharmacy examination, the Dean of School of Pharmacy, Prof. Dr. Daryono Hadi Tjahjono, M.Sc and the report from the secretary who is the Head of Professional Pharmacy Education, Dr. Tri Suciati, M.Si. Tri reported form 47 participants, only 39 was successfully passed the examination. This pharmacy examination was consider to be the most challenging phase in the education of pharmacy. "(The examination) was indeed a wonderful memory but only to remember, not to be done twice," said Satrialdo, achiever of the highest score in the pharmacy examination.
ITB as one of the few institution that held professional education of pharmacy with an A accreditation, has the responsibility to asure the quality of its graduates. These are really important to give back to the community who already gives their trust in this education institution. Prof. Akhmaloka Dipl.Biotech., Ph.D, Rector of ITB higlighted that points in his remarks. "Remember your oath. We must guard community trust that has given to ITB," said Akhmaloka.
In this very ocassion, Dr. rer. nat. Rahmana Emran Kartasasmita as Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs announce the graduates that has achieved a brilliant performance. Titi Sudiati and Tina Gustiani were the graduates that managed to gain the highest GPA and then, there was also another award for Satraildi who acheive the highest score in pharmacy examination. Titi was student from Production and Quality Control Group who has 3,89 GPA and Tina achieved 3,69 GPA from Pharmacy Service Group. Besides those awards, School of Pharmacy also announced and appreciated Mahasiswa Berprestasi 2013 in the under-graduate level.
At the end of the plenary, M. Ragil Sunyoto as the representative from the new pharmacist dedicated a good-bye speech for the entire board of lecturers. He emphasized that this was the beginning of an end to his learning phase and he thanked all the lecturer and staff in the School of Pharmacy. "...this was a priceless chapter in my book of life. Thank you for making us the children whom our parents rightfully proud of," ends Nyoto on his speech.