Science Techno Park and the Institution for Science and Technology Development ITB Roles in the Innovation Downstreaming
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – In order to support and strengthen ITB's position as a university that produces innovations that have commercialization impacts, improving education, entrepreneurship, and improving community social and economic quality, then the development of Science Techno Park (STP) need to be carried out.
The existence of STP will function as a center of an innovation ecosystem that can provide complete product development support, from research and innovation support to technology handover with startups, partners, and investors in addition to qualified community entrepreneurs.
The Chair of the Institute for Science and Technology Development (ISTD), Prof. Ir. Taufan Marhaendrajana, M.Sc., Ph.D., explained that the development of Science Techno Park in ITB has begun since the optimization of Science Techno Park ITB Ganesha utilization in February 2022. Science Techno Park Ganesha was designed as a part of the innovation ecosystem hub in the ITB main campus area, by carrying the branding of The HUB@ITB, the Science Techno Park ITB Ganesha Building will be equipped with reliable facilities and competent management thus ensuring optimum support in research and innovation activities, startup development through business incubator and accelerator, and technology handover process.
*Science Techno Park (STP) ITB Ganesha building floors use (Doc. LPIT ITB)
Prof. Taufan explained that the development of Science Techno Park as an innovation ecosystem hub in ITB is also strengthened by the construction of Science Techno Park Bandung Teknopolis which is in line with ITB 2006-2025 Development Master Plan (RENIP)), ITB 2021-2025 Strategic Plan (RENSTRA) with priorities on the development of innovational products including Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data & Virtual Reality, and 5G as stated in the Academic Senate Regulation No. 01/PER/I1-SA/OT/2020.
The development of Science Techno Park Bandung Teknopolis itself is supported by the Government through the 2020-2024 National Strategic Project Program as stated in Presidential Decree No. 18 Year 2020. Sumarecon Bandung as the industrial partner donated land to ITB in stages.
"In the first stage a land area of 6021 m2 was donated in 2017 and in the second stage a land area of 3883 m2 will be donated between 2023-2024 after the construction on the land donated in the first stage has finished," said Prof. Taufan as in the written statement received by ITB PR, Wednesday (24/8/2022).
The Role of ISTD in the Development of STP
In order to develop Science Techno Park ITB and research and innovation activities, then reliable orchestration and management are needed to carry out the management, monitoring, and evaluation. Related to that development plan, then the Institute for Science and Technology Development (ISTD) was formed in early 2022 through SK/Rector Decree No. 624A/IT1.A/PER/2022 which has the authority to manage centers for research and Science Techno Park.
"In line with LPIT ITB authority, then the realization of research and innovation strengthening which is originated from the Centers for Research in ITB is hoped to answer the challenges in the development of innovative products and its commercialization from ITB, with the availability of Innovational Resources from 25 Centers and 7 Centers for Research," explained Prof. Taufan.
In terms of the availability of national support, the Government has put on massive attention to ensuring the development of Science Techno Park ITB, through two development programs.
The first is Science Techno Park ITB Bandung Technopolis Funding Program through Syariah Government Bonds (Surat Berharga Syariah Negara) for the development of the first and second buildings in the Sumarecon Gedebage complex.
The second is the Prime STEP program that includes the development of a research and innovation program, laboratory facilities, startup coaching, and Science Technology Park institution strengthening, which is a collaboration between the Indonesian Government through Bappenas and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology with the Asia Development Bank.
Translator: Favian Aldilla R (Civil Engineering, 2019)
Source: ISTD ITB Release