IJA 2015, ITB News Office Ready to Recruit New Reporters

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - ITB News Office re-open a recruitment for news reporters this year. On Saturday (31/01/15), ITB News Office held an information session about the recruitment process , or better known as the ITB Journalist Apprentice (IJA) 2015. Nida Nurul Huda (Forestry Engineering 2012), as the Project Manager described the profile ITB News and stages to be reporters at the information session. Starting from frehmen to sophomore students of various faculties were present to learn more about the recruitment process.

Registration to participate in the training process of IJA 2015 opened until February 7, 2014 for undergraduate students ITB 2012, 2013, and 2014. Some administrative requirements must be met such as past performance index above 2.75 for the generation of 2012 and 2013, and 3.00 for the freshmen years students. Of course, they also had to have ability and interest in journalism, can work individually and in teams, and have a commitment and a high curiosity.

After going through the selection phase, participants will receive training in the field of journalism, self-development, and time management in three months. Selection phase begins with the administrative selection, then a writing test, interview simulations, interviews per candidat, and the last stage is training. Then after passing the training , trainees could start the employment contract as a reporter with the ITB News Office and information resource unit (USDI) ITB. "The format is almost the same as last year, this year will certainly be selectively adjusted by a reporter portion we needed," Nida said.

ITB News Office was founded in 2004 under the leadership of Krisna Murti (Environmental Engineering 2003) and in 2007 started the recruitment reporter. Currently, ITB News Office recruiting reporter for the batch to - 9. These reporters will work to convey information about the ITB through itb.ac.id page to uphold the value of professionalism, dynamic, discipline, and integrity. Start with the editorial meeting, covering the activities, news writing, editing and standardization, news publications, to control the quality needed by the team. "Definitely, we are looking for a reporter who later had the same mission, namely to promote ITB News Office as the backbone information of ITB" Nida said.

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