Scientific Oration of Prof. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman: Toll Road as Multi-Dimensional Transportation Infrastructure
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

*Photo: Doc. E-Learning ITB
BANDUNG, - Toll road is one of the important national strategic infrastructures that can serve as the basic foundation of the economy. According to Prof. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman, there are three issues that become obstacles/challenges in toll road development, namely financial feasibility, funding, and land acquisition. The issue of financial feasibility occurs because there are projects that are marginal or may even suffer losses. Secondly, there are problems related to the required funding given the large amount of funds needed in the form of own capital and loans, and the third challenge is the issue of land acquisition which is the initial stage in toll road construction and must be completed so that the next construction phase can be carried out.
In this case, the problem is related to the allocation of land acquisition funds and the slow process of land acquisition. This was conveyed by Prof. Rudy Hermawan Karsaman as Professor of Institut Teknologi Bandung in Aula Barat, Jalan Ganesa No. 10, Bandung, Saturday (2/8/2020). In the scientific oration, Prof. Rudy brought a theme related to "Toll Road as Multidimensional Transportation Infrastructure." He explained its relationship with risk management, toll road concession schemes, feasibility analysis, basis of determining tariffs, safety audits, minimum service standards, application of electronic transaction systems, and the opportunities and role of toll roads.
This Professor at Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering ITB said, to examine more deeply, the construction of toll roads in Indonesia is actually based on three factors. First, it was built because of limited government funds compared to the large need for transportation infrastructure that must be provided. Second, it was built on the principle of fairness and it must be an alternative choice (no coercive use) and beneficial for all parties (government, entrepreneurs/operators, users, and other communities). Third, the toll road concession is a long-term and risk-filled business and its development is based on economic/financial, technical, environmental and socio-cultural feasibility.
History of Toll Roads in Indonesia
Explained by Prof. Rudy, perhaps the most famous road history in Indonesia is the Anyer-Panarukan post road, which stretched for about 1,000 km during the reign of Daendels in Indonesia (the Dutch East Indies colonialism era) in 1809. "Although at that time the term toll road was not known, but for using this road the user must have a special permit to pass, "he said. The history of toll roads in Indonesia began when the Jagorawi toll road was built and operated in 1978 connecting Jakarta, Bogor and Ciawi with a length of 59 km, including the access road. This toll road began to be built in 1975 by the government with funds originating from foreign loans and government funds themselves. Until now Indonesia has a total of 2088 km of toll roads, which are mostly spread across Java and Sumatra.
According to Prof. Rudy, it is clear that the construction and development of toll roads are not only technological and economic problems, but are multidimensional, involving social, political, legal, cultural and image issues. "As for the challenges and opportunities that exist in the implementation plan for the construction of toll roads in Indonesia, which, despite having enormous potential, there are also many obstacles and challenges that must be faced," he added.
Many developments will occur in the future, such as relating to the determination of dynamic toll rates, improvement of minimum service standards, the use of ETC (Electronic Toll Collection) free flow using mobile phones and other ITS, to the concept of shadow tolls or Performance Based Annuity Scheme (PBAS) and Toll Corridor Development (TCD) to fund the development of this toll road as well as a clawback system for roads built with government support.
Prof. Rudy hopes that in the next 20-30 years in Indonesia, there will be a non-toll road freeway. Closing his speech, he also expressed his gratitude to the rector, ITB leaders, and members of the Professors Forum, the whole family, the sponsors who had guided namely Prof. The famous Iryam and other colleagues.
Reporter: Deo Fernando