Scientific Speech by Bobby Eka Gunara: The Development of the Standard Model of Particle Physics

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - Science will never stop developing and will have no end. As long as the people keep being curious, people will not stop to know the earth more and more. Physics is one of the sciences that talk about basic elements of earth, the forces that work in it with all the consequences. As part of sciences, physics needs mathematical calculation to answer the physical phenomenon, so the mathematical physics study exists.

As the science develop and researchers have discovered many things, there come many challenges that shall be answered by mathematical physics as one of the complex geometric field of physics. Talking about this case, Prof. Bobby Eka Gunara delivered scientific speech on Friday (29/05/15) in Meeting Building of ITB. In this occasion, Bobby explained about his research titled "Complex Geometry: From Supersymmetry to Unification Theory".

A Glance of Bobby Eka Gunara

Bobby Eka Gunara has become a lecture in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) since 1998. He graduated from ITB with magister degree on Theoretical Physics and got doctoral degree (doctor renum naturalium) on the same study field from Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Prof. Bobby has written both national and international papers and is currently working on five researches: Aspects of N=2 Supergravity, Dynamics in Early Universe, Aspects of Higher Dimensional Gravity, Fast Forward in Quantum Mechanics, and Solition in N=1 Supersymmetry. After all of the hard works that he has done, he was nominated as a professor in ITB on March 1st, 2014.

In his speech Bobby explained that in the last thirty years the physicis has found thirty six particles which formed the universe. The discovery of the particles made up the theory of Standard Model of particle physics that could explain the phenomenon of subnuclear. However, there are still lots of questions which required answers to complete the theory. Starting from this, Bobby was interested to know more about the supersymmetry and the elaboration of the theory of Standard Model of particle physics.

"The other case that motivate the theoretical physicist to learn supersymmetry is the requirement of gravitation naturally to minimalize the supersymmetric Standard Mode because the destruction of fine supersymmetry is the limit of spontaneous destruction of supergravitation, supersymmetry plus gravitation, on the very massive Plank mass orde. The implication of cosmology is that spontaneous destruction of supergravitaion happens in the early phase of universe creation besides the separation of basic interaction. In that phase the temperature was predicted greater than the 10 to the power of 9 GeV order of energy," Bobby delivered.

Bobby also told about his plans ahead. First, Bobby wants to review deeper about the relationship between Kahler's structure and the unification of three couplings interaction based on the construction of N=1 symmetrical theory in the four dimension. Second, he also wants to review the dissimilarity of Penrose-Riemann for the case of evolving space of time and the mass of black hole which generally deformed based on the construction of N=1 symmetrical theory with the internal geometrical deformation on one real parameter of t. last, Bobby is currently working on rigid limit to the geometrical Kahler's quarternionik generally based on the construction of N=1 symmetrical theory in four dimension. To end his speech, Bobby said his gratitude to his family, teachers, and students who have supported him in every single step he takes.

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