Scientific Speech by Prof. Aurik Gustomo, “Creating a Talent Development Ecosystem”
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG,–On Saturday (20/03/2021), the ITB professor forum carried out its scientific oration session which featured three multidisciplinary professors. One of them is Prof. Dr. Aurik Gustomo, S.T., M.T., the professor in the “people development” field of study. This scientific oration was led by the head of ITB professor forum, Prof. Freddy Permana Zen.
Prof. Aurik Gustomo, S.T., M.T., delivered a scientific oration entitled “Creating a Talent Development Ecosystem: An Approach to the Accelerated Growth Mindset”.
He said that the external organization environment has been changing over the past 20 years and the occurrence of COVID-19 accelerated it. These external changes refer to technological disruption, economic revolution, net generation, and social revolution.
According to Prof. Aurik, the COVID-19 pandemic era changes everything. The presence of external business challenges must be responded by corporation strategies. There are two main classification of corporation strategies, the efficiency and growth strategy. Choosing one over the other will determine whether people will be formed to have either fixed or growth mindset.
“The development of mindset should be supported by a fitting organizational design. Furthermore, the application of organizational values and culture can accelerate creativity and innovation among the members. The human capital management approach transforms everyone as capital to create values for the company’s business growth. All of this is then put together by the leadership of the company,” he said.
Organizations that are directed to strategize efficiency focused on how to reduce operating costs. On the other hand, the growth strategy is focused on how to reach the market, for example by setting up business relationships and collaborating with other parties.
Prof. Aurik continued his scientific oration by explaining that to support the organizations designed with a market-focused growth strategy, it requires an employee development pattern that emphasize the human capital management. In this management, everyone will be asked to observe whether this programme creates values in the organization.
The implementation of the growth strategy is often bounded by the lack of resources. Such obstacle alludes to the talent development ecosystem approach which responds to internal resources limitation by collaborating with external partners to boost business strategies and improve the members’ capabilities.
“This collaboration can even be done with competitors to bring up the term coopetition, from cooperation and competition. By synergizing each other’s excellence, we have taken the ecosystem approach based on talent development,” he declared.
Short Profile
Prof. Dr. Aurik Gustomo, S.T., M.T., is a professor at the People and Knowledge Management Interest Group of School and Business Management ITB. He finished his bachelor and magister degree at ITB, later on Prof. Aurik earned his doctorate degree from IPB.
Reporter: Nirmala Hajaria (Arsitektur, 2019)
Translator: Sekar Dianwidi Bisowarno (Rekayasa Hayati, 2019)