SLAP: Concern of First Year Students to the Communities
By Christanto
Editor Christanto

SLAP is an action initiated by the student community TPB 2011, ITB Peduli. More then twenty participants visited 30 houses in RW 07 Taman Hewan to make interview with the residents. The basic questions are about the condition of ITB students in the 1970's and in the recent years, and the hope for ITB students in the future. After the interview is completed, the participants will give 'sembako' (basic needs for every home - red) that was previously hidden in bags, to the residents who have been interviewed.
The results of the interview will be compiled in the form of essays and videos. The essays will be published through social media for the short term. As for the long term, the essay will be collected in the form of a book. The videos that contain the combined result of the interviews will be uploaded and spread via the internet.
Form of Concern
Basically, this action has two essence. The first, the concern of ITB students to their own university. This action is expected to make opinion and expectations for ITB, so ITB can become better.
The second, this action is also a manifestation of ITB students to care with their surrounding communities. "SLAP is not the ultimate goal of this community. SLAP is expected to become a gateway of first year students to interact with the communities," said Yusuf Bayu, the Chairman of SLAP.

Form of Concern
Basically, this action has two essence. The first, the concern of ITB students to their own university. This action is expected to make opinion and expectations for ITB, so ITB can become better.
The second, this action is also a manifestation of ITB students to care with their surrounding communities. "SLAP is not the ultimate goal of this community. SLAP is expected to become a gateway of first year students to interact with the communities," said Yusuf Bayu, the Chairman of SLAP.