STEI ITB Held Data and Software Engineering Days

Oleh Ninik Susadi Putri

Editor Ninik Susadi Putri

BANDUNG, - The rapid development of information technology could not be separated from the significant advances in the field of software engineering and data engineering in the last half century. Building on these Research Groups of Software Engineering and Data Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika (STEI) ITB organized activities Data and Software Engineering (DSE) Days were held for two days on Thursday-Friday (10-11/09/15 ) in Labtek V and VI ITB Ganesha. Activities with the theme "Data and Software Engineering: Education, Research, and Industry" aims to share knowledge and raise awareness about the software and data in the fields of education, economy and industry for the implementation of the software and data are vital in fields.
Line with the objectives of the DSE Days, the event was attended by participants consisting of university academics, industry, practitioners of the software and data, as well as the government. DSE Days event includes four main eye tutorial on Software Engineering in Context DevOps, Seminar and Workshop on Software Engineering Education, Seminar and Workshop on Data Engineering, and Tutorial on Data Analytics and Visualization.

In general, seminar sessions and workshops were conducted on group discussions and interactive question and answer session. Seminars and workshops to discuss the issues that often arise in the implementation of education software engineering and application data in industry and business. The problem basically arised as a result of teaching different parameters by universities in Indonesia in the delivery of material related to software and data so that perception is deemed necessary in order to avoid inequality of understanding.

Seminar and workshop was also supported by the provision of a tutorial session on the development of software systems and data management. Tutorial software development is devoted to the realization of DevOps and Internet-based start-ups. While the tutorial data management practices associated with top expertise in the utilization of tools for analysis and visualization of data. Procurement tutorial session debriefing was as applicable to the participants because the world of software engineering and data is the field that emphasizes the direct practice and not just a mere theory.

Recognized by Dr. Nur Azizah Fazat S.T., M.T. as chairman of the event, the core of organizing a series of activities DSE Days is leveling perception in the delivery of the material in the educational process in the field of software engineering and data. "Make same perception of the teaching in this matter is that the knowledge gained by the students equal," said Dr. Fazat. Furthermore, someday in the future it is expected that graduates of software engineering and data printed by universities in Indonesia is engineer a mature, reliable, and professional quality in accordance with the needs of industry both in the domestic or global scope

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