StudentsxCEOs Summit 2012: Business Learning through CEO Talks and Workshop
By Ria Ayu Pramudita
Editor Ria Ayu Pramudita

In CEO Talks, 10 CEOs were present from Indonesian business leaders presenting their ideas briefly. Some of them were CEO of PT XL Axiata, Tbk., Hasnul Suhaimi, CEO of Indonesian biggest Main Dealer of Toyota, Jodjana Jody, Commercial Director of PT KAI (Persero), Sulistyo Wimbo Hardjito, and some of Indonesian leading businessmen.
Anindya Novyan Bakrie, CEO of Bakrie Telecom, was also present. In his sharing session, the young man Anindya said that in business, it was better to set the purpose of the business to make it sustainable. "Don't make business solely profit-oriented," said Anindya. Besides, good leadership was essential in business to build a team.
In between the CEO Talks divided to 2 sessions, there was a workshop in coaching classes. Acted as coaches some noted people from Astra and Indonesian leading consultant agency, Skha Consulting. Workshop was held in 6 different classes with varied material to accommodate participants' needs. These classes ware communication class, financial planning class, teamwork class, networking class, strategic planning class, and problem solving class. These materials were given in the workshop, because in running a business, it didn't need only entrepreneurial skill, but also skills to be a good personality.
Hylda Damayanti (Industrial Engineering 2010), chairman of workshop committee, said that the workshop wasn't held only to have participants listening to the experience of Indonesian business experts, but also experiencing some interactive learning with those professional businessmen.
"The event made me able to meet other business communities in a greater scope. The CEO Talks was also interesting, where every CEO has one special characteristics based on their field," said Permana Juliansyah, one of the participants.