ITB Inaugurated Optical Fiber Network Throughout Ganesha - Jatinangor

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG , - Back , ITB build a new breakthrough in the world of information technology -based education . This is visible in Inauguration of Fiber Optics ( FO ) Network through ITB Ganesha-ITB Jatinangor . The opening was inaugurated by ITB's Rector , Prof. Akhmaloka . The event was held at the Cyber ​​Security R & D Center ITB Jatinangor Building on Friday, 02/05/2014 . Fiber Optic Network was built primarily to facilitate communication between ITB Ganesha and ITB Jatinangor .
Development of a fiber optic network that was completed in the early 2014 's , motivated by the ITB itself as an institution that strongly supports engineering development program and network information systems for higher education . Basically the distance between Ganesha and Jatinangor need not be a reason to delay or fear of student information . " Now there is no such thing ITB Ganesha or ITB Jatinangor , only the ITB campus , " said Prof . Akhmaloka at the inauguration . Although ITB Jatinnagor still fairly new enabled , access to information to facilitate the students remain the most important .

Connect Ganesha - Jatinangor

Until now, the ICT services that have been connected in some ITB Jatinangor buildings , including the Rector Building , Library , Cyber ​​Security R & D Center Building, Building A , Building B , Building C. Labtek 1B , A Dormitory , Dormitory B , and MEKTAN . Development of Fiber Optic Network connectivity itself provides many benefits for ITB Jatinangor . Such benefits such as library content collaboration , sharing of student activities , virtual classroom or distance class , with high-speed Internet access through AI3 account and others. Moreover , this network is very useful for students of ITB Jatinangor should take a class in Ganesha . That is because there is a virtual classroom service , where teaching and learning can be done in different places .

"Although the ITB Hotspot service is not up to the classroom , in the dormitory ITB Hotspot service remains satisfactory . Not only Ganesha , in any Jatinangor we can access high-speed internet . Course useful for academic affairs , " said M. Fahmy Irsan ( Forestry Engineering 2012) .

Inter- Institutional Collaboration

Fiber Optic Network , in addition to linking ITB Ganesha and ITB Jatinangor also connect several educational institutions and government agencies . Some educational institutions are exceeded , Unpad , Widyatama University , UIN , IKOPIN , IPDN , Sanggah Buana University , STMIK Jabar , and others . As for government institutions passed, Bandung local government , Sumedang local government , and Private Institutions .

With the deadline miss some institutions by ITB Optical Fiber Network , is expected to be established collaboration with many parties . Some do such collaboration , sharing of local content ( content libraries and journals ) , or access to international journals sharing Online Library , Parallel class or Virtual Classroom , Virtual Laboratory , Online Training and Certification , Education Digital TV , HPC Integration , etc. .

After the inauguration , conducted trials of video conferencing . The invited guests were present connected via video conference with several faculty in Ganesh ie , FTI , FITB , FTMD , FTTM , STEI , and Padjadjaran University and Keio University , Japan . In addition , the virtual classroom is also shown on the ITB Jatinangor Building C , which shows the students are following the class presentation .

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