Studium Generale: Leadership in Digital Era

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - In this ages where we keep growing global, every person understand that competitions are getting wider. Connection of one person to another these days has become an emphasis that each person is insisted to give his best performace, so that person will not miss any information and also can move together. From this background, PT. XL Axiata Tbk. held a Studium Generale (General Lecture) titled, "Leadership in Digital Era" by Dian Siswarini (XL's CEO) at Aula Barat Building, Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) on Wednesday (20/05/15). This event is a University Roadshow that is held by XL in searching future leaders from future bachelors in every campus in Indonesia.

"In this era, we are insisted to keep updated. For example,  in a year Indonesia have to follow technology's development by investating and buying technology from other countries which if converted to Indonesia's rupiah (IDR) can reach 40 trillion rupiah," said by Dian on her explanation regarding to the urgency of understanding the digital era.
Digital-age itself, according to Dian, is a modern era that revolutionize society to keep innovating as briliant as they can. Then, the need to keep innovating gives awareness towards the need of accessing information every time, every where, and by every person, so in the end it is able to increase every person's need in creating of new things. However, in facing these needs, there are things that must be concerned, such as the equality of every peson in accessing technology especially internet, the decreasing of physical material use for utilizing available services, and also the creation of efficient life by keeping human resouces out of tasks that can be controlled otomatically. Then, these things are summaried in 3D, which are Democratization of Technology, Dematerialization, and Diesintermediation.
Looking at Google car, Smartwatch, and Siri as some  example of innovation that was born from digital lifestyle, XL also has gained some achievements in modern innovations. These innovations are cosisted of M-Fish application that can detect fish's location and also Xmart Village program that focuses on villagers prosperity's improvement through good internet access. Dian also explained about her company's innovation in developing 4G/LTE. She hopes, with the existence of a better network technology, society comfortable to  access any informations . "The goal of this concept is to generalize and  spread information technology, so society can communicate well and increase their prosperity," explained by Dian.

In that lecture, Dian did not forget to explain about softskill that is needed to be future leaders. According to her, softskill to become collaborator and co-creator will turn someone into a leader that is able to face digital era. This things is important to be concerned, recalling the enormous number of college students that are still less active in collaborating in an event or in an organization. Dian also introduced some future leader figures that she has formed since some years ago. One of them is Hasnan Chatim which is a Telecommutication Engineering's college student in Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB).

"A leader must also be able to become a group member that gives challenges, not a yes man. Giving much more perspective in making a decision will make that decision becomes very rich and resisted from many challenges in future," cleared by Dian.

Translated by Muhammad Adil Setiyanto Suhodo
ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015

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