The Collaboration of Arts, Science, and Technology for a Better Future in the Creative Industry

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, Imagine a massive space that unites the concepts of art, science, and technology. Of course, this isn't easy to realize, but it will be very innovative and of high value.

Muhammad Adi Panutun, or Kang Adi, the Co-Founder and CEO of PT Sembilan Matahari, shared his experiences, works, and achievements at the ITB KU-4078 Public Lecture Studium Generale on Wednesday, February 3, 2021.

Kang Adi started his presentation by telling some of his experiences when he was a student. As a student of DKV FSRD ITB, he maintained high curiosity and interest in audio-visuals. His tenacity and enthusiasm made him want to explore more about various cross-disciplinary discussions on campus.

His association with friends across departments also led him to become one of Ganesha Television (GTV) founders and to create the first campus television channel in Indonesia. This enthusiasm for discussion in inter-understanding spaces is the forerunner of the collaboration of art, science, and technology.

In 2007, Kang Adi and his younger brother founded PT Sembilan Matahari, a creative industry company. With more than 40 colleagues who come from various backgrounds of expertise, ranging from programmers, scientists to anthropologists, Adi works to bring the spirit of change to Indonesia's creative industry.

"In my opinion, soap operas have a very strategic position. If we look at its history, knowledge is conveyed through the walls. It is as same as when we gather at home with our families looking at the TV screen to discuss with each other while transferring knowledge from what we have witnessed," he said.

Adi and PT Sembilan Matahari's hard work resulted in various jobs such as video mapping and feature films, resulting in the Indonesian government and foreign communities' appreciation.

Some of his works include Cinta The Movie (2009), video mapping of the Naradewa story projected onto Gedung Sate's facade. Also, Adi and his team have made several video mapping for several parties such as Fatahillah Museum, Bank Indonesia, and the National Library.

PT Sembilan Matahari has an ultimate uniqueness, compared with other creative industries, namely the presentation of educational works of art and high aesthetic value by applying scientific concepts using the latest technology. The technologies used range from XR (Extended Reality), Real-Time 3D Rendering, 4D Visualization, kinetic technology, and sensors for artificial intelligence.

As a professional, Kang Adi has a principle that is the key to its success and resilience in facing various situations. Also, he said that being collaborative, innovative, and adaptive are needed.

"We should be more resilient and innovative. For students, you should be more aware with newest issues and don't forget to make friends with people from different majors, ” he said.

Reporter: Daffa Raditya Farandi (SBM TPB Student, 2020)
Translator : Billy Akbar Prabowo (Metallurgical Engineering 2020)

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