Studium Generale: Leaderships with the State-Defending Insights

Oleh Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

BANDUNG, - ITB held first Studium Generale in the first semester of this year on Wednesday (17/09/14). This general lecture was held in ITB West Hall by inviting the Major General Hartind Asrin, Head of Training and Education Department in Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Indonesia, as the speaker. By introducing theme about "Leaderships with the State-Defending Insights", this lecture enlarged students' insights as the next leaders in the future.

Lecture was opened by the Vice Chancellor for Communication, Partnership, and Alumni, Prof. Ir. Hasanuddin Z. Abidin, M.Sc., Ph.D. In his speech, he told that students must get more insights not only in their study fields. By this Studium Generale, students were hoped to have more comprehensive capacity and capability.

Hartind started this general lecture with the statement that the next leaders have to be role model. According to him, leaders need to have leadership principles. As in TNI (Defence Army of the Republic of Indonesia), there are eleven principles that are pronounced by Java language which are takwa, ing ngarso sung tulodo, ing madya mangun karsa, tutwuri handayani, waspada purba wisesa, ambeg parama arta, prasaja, satya, gemi nastiti, belaka, and legawa. Besides that, the important point is leaders have to get closed either to their subordinates or colleagues.

From many humans kindness, Hartind considered four main characters which leaders must have it. That four characters are bravery, honesty, willing to help others, and loyalty. He told a story about his brave to take responsibility for every acts that had been done by his troops in the order of duty. "Leaders must have bravery to be responsible, then be honest in every acts," said Major General who also ever studied in ITB.

As the theme, then Hartind explained about the concept of the state-defending which must be done by every citizens. As in the Constitution 1945 Act 27, every citizens have rights and obligations to defend the state. It's the kind of attitude that was souled by the love to the Republic of Indonesia. Hartind explained that a country is like creature which initially is nothing and then, grow inside its peoples' heart. Not only TNI who do the state defence system in defending the state but also all citizens are the supporting components.

There are five values which were explained by Hartind in the concept of state-defending. These values are love to motherland, aware as a nation and country, believe Pancasila as the state ideology, self-sacrifice for the nation and country, and also have initial ability to defend the state that is health physique and mental. In his last explanation, Hartind concluded that leaders need to be trusted that only can be proven by works and every citizens must have leadership soul with the state-defending insights.

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