Studium Generale: Sharing with the State Minister of People Housing

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

Right before 09.00 on Saturday (29/01/11), the campus west hall is full with hundreds of students. Like scheduled, that day was the opening of Studium Generale class with State Minister of People Housing Suharso Monoarfa as speaker.

The subject isn't actually new, though it was erased for quite a while now. This semester, it was reenacted.

"This subject's purpose is to widen our knowledge and general understanding of the social phenomenons and problems that our nations face so that we're able to solve them," Rector Akhmaloka stated in his opening speech.

Suharso Menpera, the first speaker in the subject, was ITB '73 alumni. He spoke of the responsibilities he carry in the government; housing and settlement.

Suharso explained that housing and settlement are the state's long-term investment. Due to that, a clear vision in city and regional planning is needed in order to provide a strong foundation to the development and in order to be able to accomodate the local residences' aspirations.

"Housing is a very accurate indicator of poverty," he stated.

Continuing, he also elaborated how in building and development the factors involved aren't just technical and material but also human-resources, culture, and civilization. He invited ITB to collaborate with politicians and governmental officials more intensely in the fields of housing, settlement, and urban planning.

"ITB is the only science and engineering institution that houses an arts & design major as a part of it. This is a strong capital that differs it from just another engineering institution."

In the question and answer session, students are given the chance to convey questions, critics, and inputs directly to the minister. The ex-student-activist was generous in sharing his experience from college until ministry. "Above all, never stop achieving," he stated.

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