Delik Hudalah, Civilizing Research and Publication

Oleh Neli Syahida

Editor Neli Syahida

BANDUNG, - Metropolitan area in Indonesia has contributed to national economic developments. It has been a place to many interest and activities. Beside that, metropolitan area also has became a center of economic activities which has absorbed many workers and produced goods and services. The significance of metopolitan influence underlay Delik Hudalah, ITB's Regional and City Planning lecturer to develop research about metropolitan city. "Metropolitan area is a place to interact with cities in the other countries, globalization gates, and the main problem is its urban planning," he said.

Instead of it, Delik is interested in suburban around of the metropolitan area. "Without suburban, metropolitan city will not develop. For example Jakarta without Bekasi and Bogor, Bandung without West Bandung and East Bandung Regency, and big metropolitan city like Singapore will tumble without Johor and Batam," he said. Delik had a notion that suburban is an important thing which is usually ignored because attention is put on the main city. He said that it is needed for planner to understand about how the dynamics of suburban as an input to the main city.

The research was started in 2011, and continued to 2015. In the end of his research, Delik want to publish a book. "If writing a book isn't feasible, at least I want to make a workshop in level Southeast Asia. Until now, urban research in Indonesia was performed by researcher from other countries. Problems in Indonesia is really complex, so it can't be solved individually, but Indonesia must be leader, at least in Southeast Asia," he said. He suggested that ITB as the biggest and oldest institute in Indonesia can be the leader.

Always Cumlaude Not Ensured that It always be Easy

Born in Bandung, 20th August 1982, Delik started his education in Banjaran, South Bandung, which isn't listed on the map. He continued his study at ITB majoring in Urban and Regional Planning. His achievement being the best students in his faculty make him earned a scholarship for double degree in University of Groningen, Netherlands. In graduate program, he earned cum laude, the same achievement as he got when graduated from ITB. But, that predicate is not easily achieved. Formerly, in the beginning semester, he experienced a hard time when he earned the lowest grade in Netherlands. Then, he motivated himself that one day, when he become a lecturer, he want to be a good role model for his students.

Delik continued doctoral program at the University of Groningen with reckless because he got a scholarship for two years only. However, in the midst of his college years, he kept struggling to get a scholarship. One of which is to submit many journals. Delik had a notion that by publicizing, he can give more benefits to the people, not just to his students. In the end of his doctoral program, he had the opportunity to join a postdoctoral program that were directly handed by the Dutch Queen at the time.

Research Publication Culture

Writing is an activity which can't be separated from Delik Hudalah's figure. He is used to writing since he were young. Many of his writing has published in international journal. One of his journal was titled "Beyond property: industrial estates and post-suburban transformation in Jakarta Metropolitan Region dan Spatial Planning System in Transitional Indonesia."

By writing, he got much life experience, from mocked by reviewer to rejected by guide team. "But, if we stop trying, we will never know the end," he said. He hoped that Indonesia will contribute much to knowledge development in the world and the lack of appreciation to research in Indonesia will be faded. Related with his research, Delik want to collaborate with countries in Southeast Asia to cooperate, build a network in urban planning. "Until now, I focus on national topic, but in the future, I want to research problems in Southeast Asia or East Asia. Til now, I just focus on journal publication, but in the next year I want to finish my book so that the effect spread widely," Delik said.

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