Syarif Hidayat and Vent-I Team Achieved the 2021 People of The Year Award
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, Dr. Syarif Hidayat and the Ventilator Indonesia Team (Vent-I) won the “People of The Year 2021” award for the Scientific Breakthrough Against Pandemic category. This award was given by Metro TV in a series of commemoration of the TV station’s 21st anniversary.
This award was broadcast live from Grand Studio Metro TV at 21.05 WIB on Wednesday, 24 November 2021. Present with Dr. Ir. Syarif Hidayat, MT., namely Prof.Dr. Ir. Tatacipta Dirgantara, IPM, ASEAN Eng (ITB), Dr.dr. Reza Widianto Sudjud, Sp.An-KAKV, KIC.M.Kes (Unpad) and Jam'ah Halid, M.Si (YPM SalmanITB).
Dr. Syarif and his team won an award for their hard work designing Vent-I for Covid-19 patients. Vent -I (Ventilator Indonesia) is an innovative product from ITB, Unpad, and YPM Salman ITB collaboration. This product was initiated with public funds (crowdfunding) collected by the Salman Amal House. The production process is supported by volunteers from various circles, especially students from various universities (ITB, UPI, Manufacturing Polytechnic, Bandung Polytechnic, Nurtanio University, ITENAS, Batam Polytechnic, etc.) as well as vocational high school students throughout Bandung Raya.
Vent-I is a ventilator that continuously supplies constant pressurized air to the lungs (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure, CPAP). Vent-I is intended to help to breathe Covid-19 patients who experience shortness of breath but can still breathe on their own. Thus, the patient will not deteriorate or be admitted to the ICU, whose capacity is very limited.
Vent-I is the first domestic medical device product that has passed the Health Facility Security Agency (BPFK) and received a distribution permit with the number AKD 20103020696. As of December 2020, 936 units of Vent-I made with crowdfunding funds have been distributed to 348 hospitals in Indonesia. Vent-I is also the first local product for mass-produced by a Japanese company, namely PT Panasonic Health Care Indonesia (PHC-I), which collaborated with PT Rekacipta Innovation ITB.
Metro TV’s “People of the Year” appreciates national figures who have provided real inspiration and benefits for the nation and the wider community. At its third event this year, “People of the Year 2021,” awarded figures and institutions deemed instrumental in efforts to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: ITB Vent-I Team Release