Teams from ITB Collect 1 Gold and 2 Bronze Medals in GemasTIK 2019
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Students of ITB accomplished great feats as they won 1st place in Programming, 3rd place in ICT Business Development, and 3rd place in Data Mining in GemasTIK 2019 in Telkom University, Bandung on 24-26 October 2019.
GemasTIK is a program initiated by Directorate General Belmawa of Kemenristekdikti (now Kemenristek/BRIN and Kemendikbud) with the aim to enhance competitiveness of Indonesian students, so that they will be the agents of change in the advancement of ICT and its utilization.
This year’s GemasTIK raise the theme “ICT for Excellent Nation’s Competitiveness”. In this competition, participants is tested in various case study in each division of competition in order to create the most effective and efficient solution.
In programming, participants are tested on their capability and logic in finishing computer program to solve provided problem. Participants during the match were provided with descriptions on problems. Within 3-5 hours, participants should submit as many programs that can tackle each problem.
Each program should be able to answer the provided case precisely within a limited time. Hence, in addition to speed of writing the program, participants are required to find/use algorithms and data structure that are precise and efficient. The programming language used are C, C++, and Java.
In data mining, participants were required to do data mining on big data which is open for public on validated websites. The next step for participants is to visualize the results the data mining so that it is useful for community.
ICT Business Development is a business model development competition for ICT products. This division gave opportunities to participants who have ideas in business, startup, and development of ICT product-oriented business in both goods and services.
The competition will select business development ideas and present them on executive summary of the first stage, then business plan in the second stage, and product competition accompanied with business projections. In this category, team from ITB develop iValve that automate water management between paddy fields. The device is electronic-based and integrated with internet and is accessible from smartphone.
One of team members, Alfina, said that iValve replaces conventional method of opening and closing floodgates in rice fields and reduces loss of water. This app also enhances efficiency of irrigation by minimizing manpower use. She said that taking part in the competition has left good impression on them. “We were surprised because opponents are from top levels. We are happy to meet new people, new knowledge, and receive helpful feedback from the judges,” Alfina said.
Programming team consisted of members Dewita Sonya Tarabunga, Jehian Norman Saviero, and Arno Alexander. ICT Business Development team consisted of members Alfina Putri Damayanti, Feroz Fernando, and Bambang Hidayat. While Data Mining team consisted of members Muhammad Zunan Alfikiri, William, and Nyoman Kevin Cahyadigiri.
Reporter: Deo Fernando (Entrepreneurship 2021)
This year’s GemasTIK raise the theme “ICT for Excellent Nation’s Competitiveness”. In this competition, participants is tested in various case study in each division of competition in order to create the most effective and efficient solution.
In programming, participants are tested on their capability and logic in finishing computer program to solve provided problem. Participants during the match were provided with descriptions on problems. Within 3-5 hours, participants should submit as many programs that can tackle each problem.
Each program should be able to answer the provided case precisely within a limited time. Hence, in addition to speed of writing the program, participants are required to find/use algorithms and data structure that are precise and efficient. The programming language used are C, C++, and Java.
In data mining, participants were required to do data mining on big data which is open for public on validated websites. The next step for participants is to visualize the results the data mining so that it is useful for community.
ICT Business Development is a business model development competition for ICT products. This division gave opportunities to participants who have ideas in business, startup, and development of ICT product-oriented business in both goods and services.
The competition will select business development ideas and present them on executive summary of the first stage, then business plan in the second stage, and product competition accompanied with business projections. In this category, team from ITB develop iValve that automate water management between paddy fields. The device is electronic-based and integrated with internet and is accessible from smartphone.
One of team members, Alfina, said that iValve replaces conventional method of opening and closing floodgates in rice fields and reduces loss of water. This app also enhances efficiency of irrigation by minimizing manpower use. She said that taking part in the competition has left good impression on them. “We were surprised because opponents are from top levels. We are happy to meet new people, new knowledge, and receive helpful feedback from the judges,” Alfina said.
Programming team consisted of members Dewita Sonya Tarabunga, Jehian Norman Saviero, and Arno Alexander. ICT Business Development team consisted of members Alfina Putri Damayanti, Feroz Fernando, and Bambang Hidayat. While Data Mining team consisted of members Muhammad Zunan Alfikiri, William, and Nyoman Kevin Cahyadigiri.
Reporter: Deo Fernando (Entrepreneurship 2021)