TEDxITB Seminar, Improving Self Quality and Getting Out of the Comfort Zone

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Vera Citra Utami

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id–TEDxITB is back with the theme “Take Action: How to Step Out Your Comfort Zone”. This event invited XL Axiata Head of Sustainability and Internal Communication Yudha Perdana, Saturday (20/5/2023) in the ITB LABTEK III Seminar Room.

TEDx is an event that operates independently under the license of the non-profit organization TED. Their goal is to inform "ideas worth spreading" through local communities around the world, by sharing ideas and innovations to spark movement and change.

The first session began with a presentation from Yudha Perdana regarding self-introduction and how to convey the characters we create to the public. "Be a strong character who is heard and influences others by conveying messages," Yudha said.

Yudha added that there are three reasons why we speak, which are to inform something, to influence, and to entertain. "We have to define the character we want to create and how to convey it," he added.

After the first session was over, it was followed by a talk show presenting two XL Future Leaders Batch 10 holders; Frisca Nadya Febrianty and Samuel Dacosta Lubis. During the talk show, the speakers emphasized the importance of continuing to improve one's quality. They proposed several effective ways to achieve this, including through reading books and seeking information through social media.

Yudha Perdana conveyed the importance of continuing to learn and develop to achieve better personal potential. Frisca Nadya Febrianty and Samuel Dacosta Lubis also shared their experiences on how to seek opportunities to learn from various knowledge sources. With an emphasis on the importance of personal growth, this talk show provided insight and inspiration to the audience on how to improve self-quality in the era of rapidly developing information.

The last session was a case study training which required participants to implement the understanding gained during the materials and talk shows. This session took place excitedly and with enthusiasm.

"Participants are hoped to be able to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and how to communicate with others through the material that has been presented," the master of ceremonies said at the end of the seminar.

Reporter: Fairuuz Fawwas Alfarizi Tantuayo (Entrepreneurship, 2021)
Translator: Hanna Daniela Ayu (Aerospace Engineering, 2021)

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