Upon Seeing ITB Students Potential, Marvell Visits STEI ITB

Oleh Yasmin Aruni

Editor Yasmin Aruni

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Undeniably, one of the reason for the rapid development of today's world is the development of electronics. Electronic devices accompany almost all of the growth of existing technology. Therefore, the development of the electronics industry, particularly the microprocessor (Integrated Circuit Design - IC Design) has now received good support from the Indonesian government to be able to catch up. Of course, to improve the performance acceleration, high quality human resources is needed to be able to pour their energy and thoughts on the industry. In this regard, a manufacturer of storage, communications, and semiconductors, Marvell Technology Group, Ltd. held a visit to the School of Electrical and Information (STEI) ITB on Tuesday(22/09/2015). Marvell's visit aimed to introduce their companies and establish communication with the ITB for the best talents to join Marvell.
In the presentation, Marvell, that excels in the field of microprocessor architecture and digital signal processing is looking for students majoring in Telecommunication Engineering, Electronics Engineering, Information Technology, and Engineering Physics with the best qualifications to fill the position of library layout engineering, physical design, and the live network validation. "ITB is the most important university and we are looking for the top talent to join us," said Alana, the bonafide recruiter from the company headed by Sehat Sutardja. The first quality is verified by Marvell is the cumulative grade point (GPA) which must have a nominal above average standard. In addition, the technical electronics knowledges must be remembered by heart in order to escape Marvell's tight sieve. According to Eric Kosdi (Electronics Engineering 2009), one Marvell engineer, it miraculous that he had felt was when he did not consider overtime as a burden. "We love our job so that we feel pleasure. Basically we all worked hard and people's dedication is needed," said Eric when shared about his experience while working at Marvell.

Dean of STEI ITB, Dr. Ir Jaka Sembiring M.Eng warmly welcomed Marvell. He said he was proud that the quality of graduates of ITB can always be recognized globally. Meanwhile Arthur Soerjohadi, Country Director of Marvell in his speech encourages the students to continue to work hard and learn. According to him, there is a satisfaction that can not be described as seeing the results of our work can have a major impact on the lives of many people. "If we do well, money will definitely come. Yet money is just one thing, while the satisfaction it is a different thing," he said.

The students who attended the event were enthusiastic in digging up information about Marvell. At the end of the show, Marvell exhibits their latest technologies as well as opening discussion while enjoying the meals. Marvell is also willing to immediately accept the Curriculum Vitae of students who are ready to apply.

Photo: Erwin Hasting (Marvell)

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