Tesla, SVARA and BIOPS Agrotekno among the Best Three in Swiss Innovation Challenge Indonesia 2017

Oleh Abdiel Jeremi W

Editor Abdiel Jeremi W

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – Three LPIK-ITB tenants was crowned the winner of Swiss Innovation Challenge 2017, in appreciation night at Sheraton Bandung Hotel & Towers, Friday (22/09/2017). Held cooperatively between SBM-ITB and School of Business at University of Applied Sciencies and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, the competition has run since the beginning of 2017 and is a place where participants compete their business and innovation ideas.

The first place was won by Tesla Daya Elektrika, a start-up that develop anti-lightning strike system called I-GWS high voltage for protection to medium voltage transmission tower and I-GWS Medium Voltage for protection to medium voltage transmission tower. The concept applied in the product is the work of Dr. Ir. Djoko Darwanto (Electrical Power Engineering Research Group) and proven to protect transmission tower from lightning strike. In 2016, the concept was introduced to PLN as the primary market target. The team consisting of Gumilang Dewananta, Achmad Arbi, and M. Fattah Aziiz during past two years got funding support from Ministry of Research and Technology and Higher Education for product development.

SVARA, led by Farid Fadhil Habibi (STI’12) won the second place with their blockchain implementation in music platform. By implementing blockchain in music streaming app, transparency in cooperation between musicians and service provider is guaranteed, in which each party keeps identical shared basic data. To date, SVARA receive support from the Unity of Indonesian Private Radio and Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF) to develop together music and radio industries.

The third place was won by BIOPS Agrotekno led by MM Malikul Ikram (RH ’11) with their product, Encomotion, an integrated system for monitoring and controlling environment condition in green house. Vision of BIOPS Agrotekno is to “Bring about New Era to Indonesian Agriculture”, through smart system so that society interested to support and involved in technology-supported, agricultural activity. Now, Encomotion has been applied in one of green house owned by Balai Besar Pelatihan Pertanian (BPPP) Lembang. It proves to increase productivity up to 40% than that of conventional agriculture.

 “The competition is interesting and challenging. During selection, (we) were asked not only to give presentation, but also to give material and suggestion that prepares participants well,” said Fattah Aziiz about Swiss Innovation Challenge Indonesia 2017. At the end of October 2017, Fattah will represent Tesla to participate in series of Swiss Innovation Challenge in Switzerland.

Reporter: Yasmin Aruni

Cited with permission from lpik.itb.ac.id

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