The 56th Anniversary of ITB: Continuously Teaching Indonesian Young Generations

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - ITB held an open session to celebrate its 56th anniversary. Located in West Hall, on Monday (02/03/15), the event was attended by all civitas academica including rector, academic senate, professors,students, and lecturers. The scientific speech special on the anniversary celebration was delivered by Dr. Ir. Subagjo, the lecturer of Industrial Engineering Faculty. He is also the leader of Masyarakat Katalis Indonesia (MKICS). His speech was entitled "The Restoration of Making Clothes Out of Stone: ITB's Role in National Catalyst Development".
There was also the Director of Organization and Partnership of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Ministry, Prof. T. K. Dipojono who delivered his speech on "Higher Education Policy and Hope for Indonesia". The three keywords on that idea were quality, innovation, and competitiveness. ITB is expected to be the role model on quality and to continuously improve the productivity on publications and patents, also to be the center of national scientific development. Particularly, it is expected that there would be at least 1000 ITB papers on Scopus. The ministry is ready to help on the funding to make it happen. Besides, all of studies and researches are needed to support national innovation. The ministry also supports ITB's willing to be an entrepreneurial university.

In the open session, ITB gave acknowledgement on Lecturing, Research, and Innovations as the appreciation from ITB Rector on the achievements and staff's contribution for ITB. ITB also held an expo of products and creations in East Hall. The expo was full of the products from researches done by ITB lecturers and they were ready to be implemented and commercialized in the market. The moment of 56th anniversary brings new spirit for ITB with the new Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Kadarsah Suryadi to educate Indonesian young generation in order to contribute in Indonesia development.

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