The Chosen Rector: Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi Reached Leading Chair ITB

Oleh Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Editor Bayu Rian Ardiyansyah

Bandung, - ITB Rector Election process that began since August 2014 finally ended through Plenary Meeting of the Board of Trustees (MWA) ITB by deciding Prof. Kadarsah Suryadi elected as ITB rector period 2014-2019. Plenary meeting which conducted on Monday (15/12/14) in MWA ITB Office -Scientific Meeting Hall Building, Bandung, was attended by all thirteen members of MWA ITB. Not like previous election that decided by voting process, this election made its own history as the rector elected through deliberation. Hereafter, inauguration Prof. Kadarsah become ITB rector will be conducted on Monday (05/01/15) in ITB West Hall.


"Good process will lead to good result. After discussing what we hoped for ITB in the future and strength of each candidate, finally through deliberation we agreed that ITB rector for next five years is Prof. Kadarsah," said Betti S. Alisjahbana as Chairman of MWA ITB. Betti told that as a campus which gained trust to become state universities (PTN-BH), ITB holds big expectations to contribute in research significantly. Not only for publication, are the results of these researches expected to be useful innovations that benefit the society. Therefore, MWA ITB judged that Prof. Kadarasah's program to change ITB from research university become entrepreneurial university supported that hopes.

This decision was representation of all stakeholders in ITB, including Minister of High Education and Research, West Java Governor, Chairman of the Academic Senate, ITB rector, and representatives of general public, academic senate, alumni, educational personnel, also student. Competency criteria which base the rector election are integrity, commitment, leadership, managerial, and entrepreneurship spirit. Hopefully, the new rector can bring ITB be excellent university with strong networking in the world, both as high education institution and research institution. Besides, the new rector also hoped can lead ITB be innovation driver as dedications to the community and contribution in improving national competitiveness.

"This is heavy duty and mandate. ITB exists not only for ITB but also for wider community," said Prof. Kadarsah in his speech after getting elected. "Standford University and MIT become world class-university not because they solved world problems but because they succeeded to solve local and national problems. Results of its problem solving that is ultimately recognized worldwide. We wish in the future we could dig more either local or national problems and solve it," lid the new rector for next five years.

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