The Significance of Leadership in Industry 4.0

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – A theme about leadership in industry 4.0 was addressed in Studium Generale KU-4078 public lecture. Muhammad Aditya Warman, MBA, a member of Advisory Board of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, addressed the public lecture and began with a prologue that explained about the character of a successful individual.

“There is a limit to intelligence, but not to ignorance,” he said. Hence, knowledge will prevent human to fall to limitless ignorance.

He said that, achieving success is not about ‘crawling’ from the bottom. Success can start by following on the steps of successful people. “People can learn from the success of many figures by following their good deeds,” he said.

Aditya emphasized on the importance of changing our perspective. Aditya said that, according to data, more than 60% of workers in multinational companies are born in 1995 or later. This generation is more receptive to images, videos, and story telling than to text.

This change force companies to adapt other approaches to ‘connect’ with users. And it becomes more relevant as disruption is happening in the world.

According to Aditya, industry 4.0 does not only evolve the technology, but at  the same time also evolve the workers. Perspective, thought system, and connection will change respective to the condition. Therefore, he thinks that innovation and agility will be two main points to survive in industry 4.0. Agility is seen from our capability in multitasking.

Disruption in industry 4.0 has demanded ‘ConnectAbility’. There are 5 important aspects in ConnectAbility, they are highly respect, maximum influence, authentic emotion to display, declaring our concerns openly, and listening skills. ConnectAbility starts from showing high respect to others by always remembering to say gratitude, help, and apology and becoming a good listener.

This SG was opened by Vice Rector of General Administration, Alumni, and Communication of ITB, Dr. Miming Miharja, S.T. M.Sc. Eng. Serving as the moderator was Dr. Andi Cakravastia Arisaputra Raja, a lecturer at Faculty of Industrial Engineering.

Reporter: Sitti Mauludy Khairina

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