Through Building Infrastructures, ITB Goes Toward World Class University

Oleh Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

Editor Fivien Nur Savitri, ST, MT

BANDUNG, – Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is committed to support ITB during the process toward world class university. Taking place at the 3rd floor of Ruang Serbaguna Gedung CRCS ITB (30/03/17), the seminar entitled “Introduction of Users Viewpoints in Post Appraisal of ODA Infrastructure Project” was opened by Vice Rector of Finance, Planning and Development of ITB, Prof. Wawan Gunawan. The seminar presented key speakers, Prof. Junji Yokokura (Tokyo University of Technology) and Muslinang Moestopo, MSEM, Ph.D, (Director of the Society of Indonesian Construction Experts).

According to Muslinang, Infrastructure construction is continuous. Development in various aspects will lead to one point; it always involves new infrastructure construction. This is asserted in a presentation entitled “Overview of Overseas Development Assistance (ODA) Infrastructure Project Implementation in Indonesia”. Development of educational facility is conducted on the north part of ITB campus, which includes Center for Advance Science (CAS), Center for Infrastructure and Built Environmental Engineering (CIBE), Center for Art, Design, and Language (CADL), Center for IT for Industrial Engineering (CITIE) and Center for Research and Community Services (CRCS). The construction and development of those buildings are cooperative result between Indonesia and Japan. Memorandum of Understanding regarding this joint venture between JICA and the government of Indonesia has been effective from 28 July 2009 to 28 July 2018. The MoU covers the construction of new buildings (CAS, CIBE, CADL, CRCS), renovation of old buildings (CITIE), maintenance, inventory, and supply of scientific books.

The seminar also discussed various problems that occurred during this project, including its evaluation. At the end of the seminar, the representative of the government of Japan expressed their delight to cooperate with the government of Indonesia that is represented by ITB. They hope for bigger cooperation in the future.

Reporter: ITB Journalist Apprentice 2017
Jonathan Raditya Valerian (Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2016)

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