Two Teams from ITB Won 2017 ACM-ICPC Indonesia Maranatha

Oleh Holy Lovenia

Editor Holy Lovenia

BANDUNG, – Two teams from ITB won the 2017 ACM-ICPC (Association for Computing Machinery - International Collegiate Programming Contest) Indonesia Maranatha Competition held by Maranatha Christian University. The 1st prize was received by Ainge WF Team, consisted of Luqman Arifin Siswanto (Informatics Engineering 2013), Wiwit Rifa’I (Informatics Engineering 2013), and Aufar Gilbran (Informatics Engineering 2013), while 2nd runner-up was received by GituKanYa Team, consisted of Turfa Auliarachman (Informatics Engineering 2015), Jauhar Arifin (Informatics Engineering 2015), and Jonathan Christopher (Informatics Engineering 2015).

About 2017 ACM-ICPC Indonesia Maranatha

2017 ACM-ICPC Indonesia Maranatha was a competitive programming (CP) competition in multi-provincial level for participants all over Indonesia. The team will continue their battle to ACM-ICPC in Asia-Pacific regional level after winning the multi-provincial level. The competition tested the participants’ logic and reasoning in programming by doing 12 algorithm questions in C, C++, Java or Python Language.

There were two phases of 2017 ACM-ICPC Indonesia Maranatha, the elimination and final phases. Elimination phase was done online on Saturday (08/07/17) at 13.00-17.00. Thereafter, 45 chosen finalists entered the final phase on Saturday-Sunday (05-06/08/17).

The Endeavor of Ainge WF and GituKanYa Teams

Their distance and tight schedules do not hinder them from winning. Members of Ainge WF kept staying in touch with each other online while doing self-practice, despite their respective activity and their different location: Tokyo, Jakarta, and Bandung. Even though their performance declined in the elimination round, their spirit and effort to be the best remained.

Up until the final hour of the final round, Ainge WF was still left behind. But they kept fighting on until the time was up. At the final hour, they finally turned the tide and was crowned the winner.

Similar to Ainge WF, the members of GituKanYa were also busy with their respective activity. Turfa, Jauhar, and Jonathan had to play the elimination phase without having a single meeting before. Only after the second day of the final did they all have meetings. Despite that situation, their effort paid off as they were able to be the 2nd runner-up in 2017 ACM-ICPC Indonesia Maranatha.

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