Urban and Regional Planning Guest Lecture: Elevating Urban Analytics with Open Data

By Yohana Aprilianna - Mahasiswa Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota, 2021

Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Guest lecture was held for the PL4016 Urban Analytics and Informatics Course on the 2nd Floor Seminar Room, Tuesday (1/10/2024) inviting spokesperson Rizqi Ramadhan, S.T., M.T., Senior Data Analyst of West Java Digital Service. He delivered a lecture material entitled "Elevate Your Urban Analytics with Open Data" focusing on a case study on the West Java data portal.

The vision of the West Java Digital Service is to make West Java a leading province in the use of data and technology, supporting public services and policy formulation to be more responsive, adaptive, and innovative.

"In the last few years, open data has gained significant attention due to its rapid development," said Rizqi Ramadhan.

Open data has criteria such as availability and access that can be used and disseminated by everyone. In other words, the community can contribute to adding or using available data. Open data in urban analytics has many benefits such as enhancing decision-making, supporting smart city development, facilitating innovation, improving urban planning, and promoting efficiency.

Root cause that leads to the data portal to exist as a necessity is due to excess data being difficult to find, as it has not been standardized, making unidentified data harder to be shared.

Following that, collected data will be processed through several hierarchical analysis ranging from a more simple scheme to in-depth data analysis.

Available data can then be used to analyze policies that will be implemented by the government, such as vaccination coverage during a pandemic.

Reporter: Yohana Aprilianna (Urban and Regional Planning, 2021)
Translator: Kezia Hosana (Chemical Engineering, 2022)
Editor: Hanifa Juliana (Urban and Regional Planning, 2020)