Viva La Volley 2008 Final

Oleh kristiono

Editor kristiono

BANDUNG, - VivaLaVolley 2008, volley ball competition held by Unit Bola Volley ITB along with Electrical Student Body (HME) and Biology Student Body ‘Nympaea’ ITB hit the final. Internal volley ball tournament was involving various student body in ITB as its participant. Total 28 student body 21 listed as participant in gentlemen category and 18 play ladies. The tournament was started from February 11 finally noted four team as finalist. They are HME vs IMG on gentlemen; HME vs Nymphaea on ladies final. On Friday (25/4), situated at Campus Center square, the four had fought to winner. Nymphaea succeed first champion in women categories, and HME out as first in men categories.

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