Workshop EEG - Brainwave: Spreads the Yields of Collaboration between Neurophysiology and Instrumentation

Oleh Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

Editor Hafshah Najma Ashrawi

BANDUNG, - Interdisciplinary collaborations are more needed nowadays. There are many new disciplines that can be elaborated by human. Nevertheless, basic knowledge of various disciplines is needed to explore those new disciplines. On Thursday (21/05/15), Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held workshop about electroencephalograph (EEG) with theme Brainwave in T.P. Rahmat Building. Knowledge about EEG needs various basic knowledge such as neurology and instrumentation. In ITB, EEG is developed by Physiology, Animal Development and Biomedical Science Research Group School of Life Science and Technology (SITH) ITB and Instrumentation and Control Research Group Faculty of Industrial Technology (FTI) ITB that also collaborated to organize this event.
According to Dr. Lulu Lusianti Fitri, lecturer of SITH ITB and Chief of workshop EEG-Brainwave Committee, this event aimed to spread results of collaboration between Physiology, Animal Development and Biomedical Science Research Group and Instrumentation and Control Research Group that were started in the end of 2007. Collaboration between the two research groups was begin to serve students to accomplish thesis discussing EEG. After that, the two research groups have collaborated until now to develop neurophysiology and instrumentation-based science.

Participants attending this event came from various institution and field of study. Majority of participants were Psychology students from many universities in Bandung such as Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI), Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Universitas Jenderal Achmad Yani (Unjani), and Universitas Padjajaran (Unpad). Moreover, students from various major such as Chemical Engineering, Physical Engineering, Biology, etc. also attended this event.

First Session of Workshop EEG - Brainwave was a keynote speaker session which was presented by three speakers. Dr. Lulu L. Fitri was the first speaker in this session and discussed about progress of research in neurophysiology and its achievements. This session continued by Dr. Suprijanto from Instrumentation and Control Research Group who discussed about implementation of neurofeedback quantification. Neurofeedback is a process for earning awareness of physiology function that measures brainwave to produce signal which is used as brain function-conditioning feedback. The next speaker was Dr. Donny Hendrawan from Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia who discussed about harnessing neurofeedback in psychology introduction application.

The event continued by panel speaker session about neurofeeedback application in various field. Dr. Eka Susanty from Faculty of Psychology Unjani, Farah Aulia (SITH ITB), Dandri Aly Purawijaya (SITH ITB), Kanya Ramyacitta M. (SITH ITB), Sra Harke Pratama (SITH ITB) and Affan Kaysa from FTI ITB were the speakers for this session. Eventually, demonstration of the use of EEG from Instrumentation and Control Research Group ended this workshop.

Translated by Natasha Agustin Ikhsan (ITB Journalist Apprentice 2015)

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