Healthy ITB 2013: Realize principle in corpore sano Mens there on self ITB Students

Oleh Akbar Syahid Rabbani

Editor Akbar Syahid Rabbani

BANDUNG, - Mens sana in corpore sano: in a healthy body there is a strong soul. This is what trying embodied by the Ministry of Health and Family Student Sports Institute of Technology Bandung (ITB KM Orchestra) with ITB Healthy events, on Wednesday (06/02/2013) in the basement of Campus Center (CC) West ITB. The event lasted from 9 am until 2 o'clock this afternoon to get a pretty good response from ITB students who want to get free treatment.
In addition to blood pressure, cholesterol, and dental hygiene, healthy ITB event also provides counseling to the participants free treatment to put up posters about the dangers of smoking in the basement of the West Campus Centre. It makes the show ITB Health not only provides free health, but also make an effort to be persuasive intellectuals called to avoid smoking in real life - today.

There are some interesting things that look out of the event Healthy this ITB, one of which is free medical treatment at the event is only for the first 150 registrants, of course, this provision makes the queue participants crowded since registration began. Once the quota free treatment is finished, students who still want to get treatment and healthy checking can do so by paying 15 thousand rupias for the purpose of registration and operations. In addition, free treatment is also working with several leading institutions in the medical field, such as the Indonesian Heart Foundation (YJI), and Faculty of Dentistry, University of Padjadjaran (FKG ubuntu) are playing an active role in the success of this event.

"Through this free treatment, we try to make the ITB students not only smart academically, but also physically fit. Physical health and intelligence that thought certainly interrelated, hopefully in the future could facilitate the event ITB Healthier those who have not had a health check. "Said Yulinda Dwi Komala (School of Architecture, Planning and Policy Development 2012), one of the organizers of the orchestra KM ITB.

Despite the wishes of some ITB students who are interested in doing free health checks and treatment did not materialize, but look at student interest in this show is pretty good, it shows that the ITB students really want to realize the saying "Mens sana in corpore sano" there in them each - respectively.

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