1,901 ITB Students Graduated on July Graduation 2021
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id – The Third Graduation for Academic Year 2020/2021 was held virtually on Saturday (7/17/2021). 45 Doctoral Program graduates, 107 Engineer Professional Program graduates, and 1,154 Bachelor Program graduates were inaugurated.
On this year’s July Graduation, ITB was unable to hold the graduation celebration due to the pandemic situation. The graduation was held online via Zoom and ITB’s YouTube channel. However, ITB understands the importance of this graduation for all graduates and their families. Having the graduation held online, we all should understand this as a form of our solidarity as Indonesians to fight to reduce Covid-19 spread.
Prof. Dr. Ir. Jaka Sembiring, the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, in his academic report, stated that on this July Graduation, 557 graduates of the bachelor program graduated with cum laude predicate, with the highest GPA of 4.00 achieved by Jason Filius Santoso from Marine Engineering study, while the youngest graduate was Musa Izzanardi Wijanarko, who was only 18 years and 8 months old.
195 graduates graduated with cum laude predicate for the master program, with Muhammad Dani Sirait (Chemistry Study Program), Maghfira Ramadhani (Petroleum Engineering Study Program), Masitoh (Instrumentation and Control Study Program), Hans Gunawan Rimbualam (Business Administration Study Program), Dicky Saputra (Business Administration Study Program), Riska Milza Khalida N (Business Administration Study Program), Hansen Leonardo Andreas (Business Administration Study Program), Ardika Maulana (Business Administration Study Program), and Tengku Ervan Naufa (Business Administration Study Program), reaching the perfect GPA of 4.00. The youngest graduate of the master's program is Nabila Rahmi Maulida, from STEI, who was 21 years old.
For the doctoral program, 19 graduates were titled with cum laude predicate. Rizki Taufik Rakhman (Department of Fine Arts and Design) and Rahmatsyam Lakoro (Department of Fine Arts and Design) graduated with 4.00 GPA. The youngest to graduate from the doctoral program was Mona Berlian Sari from FMIPA, at the age of 29 years and 1 month.
ITB Chancellor Prof. Reini Wirahadikusumah, Ph.D., in her speech, congratulated all graduates who have graduated from ITB. She then shared her view on lifelong learning.
She stated that lifelong learning is a wisdom. Learning should not end by the end of our formal study. In other words, learning is a good thing to be continuously done in various areas in life; at work, in social interactions, and in family environment.
“With lifelong learning, we can expand our opportunities to learn, even when facing various challenges on a daily basis, both at work and home,” she said. Lifelong is an important concept in this pandemic situation.
The online graduation ceremony went smoothly. Graduates were very excited to take part in the graduation ceremony both via Zoom and YouTube. Opening remarks from 12 Faculties and Schools were featured, along with farewell words from graduates representatives from each program level.
Reporter: Adi Permana
Translator: Tamara Maharani Alamsyah (Seni Rupa, 2020)