4icu: ITB Earned Rank 44 Among Universities Around the World
By UKM Student English Forum
Editor UKM Student English Forum

Other famous Indonesian universities such as the Gadjah Mada University unfortunately has to be satisfied to be no. 17 in Asia and rank inside the top 100 among all.
This top 100 chart is made by analyzing not less than 10000 universities from 200 different countries that have been listed on 4icu.org database. 4icu.org has listed universities on a database, and this database has accomplished several criteria. These criteria include: the society knows about the university, it has a license, it has an accreditation that had been made by the national accreditation agency or the regional accreditation agency (as example: the education department or other international accreditation organization), it is capable to give a legitimate bachelor or both bachelor and master degree, it conducts a face to face lecturing session, and it has an accessible official website. 4icu.org is an independent nonprofit directory based at Australia and it has never received any payment from neither visitors, nor universities, nor other related organizations.
4icu.org has abstracted this chart from the popularity of one university based on its own website. These days online popularity has been an essential deal for a university, where internet is one of the society's ultimate sources for information.
An algorithm that uses three independent web metrics without any alignments had produced this chart. Three independent webs metric had been abstracted from three different search engine named Google Page Rank, Yahoo Inbound Links, and Alexa Traffic Rank. So obviously this is great news for itb.ac.id as an official ITB website, moreover it will be an encouragement to give a better service for the website's visitors. (ad)