4th SusWa Dialogue Workshop: Water Management from Culture and Social Perspective
By Mega Liani Putri
Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Tuesday through Friday (10-13/03/15), located in Environmental Engineering Building, The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, there was the 4th SusWa Diagolue Workshop. The workshop was about "Water Management and Sustainability from Culture and Social Perspective: A Dialogue between Germany, Iran, Egypt, and Indonesia". As it is mentioned on the title, there were four countries representatives.
The workshop was started with the introduction of The Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering from Prof. Ir. Ade Sjafruddin and Ir. Idris Maxdoni Kamil, M.Sc., Ph.D. After that, Prof. Andre Neimann explained about the purpose of the workshop and the status of the project. The session was conducted by Prof.Ichsan Setya Putra with the topic of "QA ITB and Blended Learning Indonesia" and also by Prof. Indah Rahmatiah on "Water Education at ITB". The first day then ended by the public lectures done by the nation representatives about their researches on engineering, science, and economy.