Aero Expo ITB 2010: Open Hangar MiG-21

Oleh UKM Student English Forum

Editor UKM Student English Forum

BANDUNG, Open Hangar MiG-21 was one of the exhibitions presented in Aero Expo 2010. To many, MiG-21 is something unknown. But with the exhibition, visitors would be able to fidn out about the history of the ownership of the Russian-made warplane. Open Hangar MiG-21 was held from Friday to Saturday in the Aero Expo 2010.

In the exhibition, visitors would acquite explanations about the hitory of the plane, how to fly the plane, and components in the plane. "Aside from that, visitors can also sit down in the cockpit of the plane to feel what it's like to be a pilot for a day," expressed Dea, a committee member.

Event convener Saladin Siregar hoped that the Open Hangar would be able to grow a sense of nationalist pride in the world of aeronautics. Other than that, he wanted visitors to feel proud in knowing that Indonesia once had possession of such sophisticated warplanes in the national squadron.


Fatwa, committee, stated, "The plane was made by Russia in 1959. In 1962, Indonesia procured 20 units of the plane." At that time, the plane was in high demand, with sells passing 15.000 units worldwide.

MiG-21 in ITB now serves for study purposes. From the plane, engineering students are able to study hydro-mechanical, electrical, landing wheel, propulsions, and avionics control systems. Right now, there are only three remaining planes in Indonesia; in the Jakarta Aeronautics Museum, Bandung Aeronautics Museum, and in ITB.

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