ITB SAPPD Lecturer Discusses Sustainable Smart Cities from an Urban Developer Point of View

Oleh Adi Permana

Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – Ir. Ridwan Sutriadi, S.T, M.T, Ph.D., lecturer from the Urban Planning and Design Research Group, expressed the importance of understanding current issues and challenges of urban planning.

He highlights three main aspects of urban planning—interaction of ideas, sustainability of repeating concepts, and the concept of dynamic change.

Those concepts were conveyed in a webinar held by the School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD) titled "AI-Based and Big Data Analytics on Urban Planning and Design" on Thursday, August 10, 2023. Dr. Sutriadi’s talk was titled “Smart Sustainable Cities in the Eyes of Urban Planner: The Crucial Role in Formulating the Body of Knowledge of Urban Analytic.”.

In that session, he also discussed the four components of urban planning—role of planning, urban growth, sustainable development, and understanding of urban problems. He iterated how important it is to promote sustainable urban development that encompasses all aspects of life.

Apart from that, he also illustrated urban development in Indonesia, including the challenges and problems faced. He identified 14 main problems in Indonesia’s urban development and highlighted the importance of wise policy-making and sustainable environmental arrangements.

This webinar also discusses bibliometric analysis on the use of big data in urban development. Dr. Sutriadi describes the importance of research development and the government’s role in understanding core concepts of cities.

He also emphasized the need for collaboration and synchronization in the effort of achieving a sustainable smart city. This webinar is one of ITB SAPPD’s endeavors to enhance participants’ insight on the challenges and opportunities of planning and designing cities in this modern era, supported by AI technology and big data analysis.

Reporter: Hafsah Restu Nurul Annafi (Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota 2019)

Translator: Nathan Aristiphano (Mikrobiologi 2021)

Editor: Anggi Nurdiani (Manajemen, 2021)

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