ITB Alumni Achieved Goldman Environmental Award 2009

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - Environmental Engineering Alumni ITB 1983 which is now persevere as environmental activists in Denpasar, Yuyun Ismawati, was selected as the recipient of 2009 Goldman Environmental Award for the island nation.
Yuyun Ismawati awarded along with the five environmental activist Marc Onna Esangui from Gabon, Rizwana Hasan from Bangladesh, Olga Speranskaya from Russia, Maria Gunnoe from US and Wanze Eduards, Hugo Jabini from Suriname. Each award recipient that equivalent with  environment  Nobel is entitled to the prize of US$ 150,000 submitted at the San Francisco Opera House, the U.S., on Monday (20/04/09).

"When public does not successful provide service equally, and if people get the confidence and empowerment, most problems can be solved through a more sustainable and cheaper than through the conventional approach and focus," said Yuyun as quoted from the press The Goldman Environmental Prize .

Mother of two children, along with Bali Focus institutions working on solutions that based on community to do the waste management which gives job opportunities for low-income citizens and empowering citizens to improve the quality of the environment. Together with a number of activists, he also developed Indonesia Toxics-Free Network (ITFN) that among the government highlight a lack of attention to issues of hazardous waste and toxic and its impact to public, as quoted from

This Awards enter the year of 20 which given each year to the partisan environment at the grassroots level. Since its inception in 1989, this award has been given to 133 activists from 75 countries.

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