Anti-Microbial Wrapping Paper from Akar Wangi Waste
By Annisa Mienda
Editor Annisa Mienda

After the anti-microbial wrapping paper is made, anti-microbial test was applied to the paper. The first taste is carried out by wrapping a strawberry using the paper. Based on the test, the strawberry that is wrapper by anti-microbial paper can survive a rotten for seven days compared to strawberry that is exposed freely to the air and compared to strawberry that is wrapped by usual wrapping paper which can only survive a rotten for three days. Bacterial medium test was also done to test the quality of the paper. In that test, anti-microbial wrapping paper was cut spherical and placed in an agar medium containing E. coli bacteria. Based on this test, the growth of E. coli was not as fast as in the medium which contains no anti-microbial paper.
The idea of anti-microbial wrapping paper was then brought to Uinnovation Competition. In that competition, the anti-microbial wrapping paper successfully defeated 29 competitors from various universities such as University of Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University, Diponegoro University, Sepuluh November Institute of Technology, and others. The anti-microbial wrapping paper snatched the predicate of best of the best in the competition that was held by University of Indonesia in March 2014.