Bon Voyage! ITB Sends Off 2024’s Merdeka Student Exchange Program Batch 4
By Iko Sutrisko Prakasa Lay -
Editor M. Naufal Hafizh

BANDUNG, - Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) held a farewell ceremony for students of the Batch 4 Merdeka Student Exchange Program (PMM) on Saturday (June 8, 2024) at the Multi Purpose Hall, CRCS Building, ITB Ganesha Campus. The event was attended by the Director of Non-Regular Education, representatives from the Subdirectorate of Continuing Education, course instructors of the Nusantara Module, faculty/school deans, participating students, and Liaison Officers (LO) of ITB Batch 4 PMM.
The Subdirectorate of Continuing Education, represented by the Head of the Student Admission Administration Subdirectorate, Irvan Christiawan, S.T., stated that PMM has seen significant growth since 2021.
"The number of students who eventually pursued education at ITB reached 282, who have been present at ITB from January 1 to February 3 and have attended lectures at ITB. All students were distributed according to the suitability of their original study programs with the programs available at ITB. They have been distributed across 12 faculties/schools with course selections guided by consultations or directions from their respective academic advisors. Most of the PMM participants were accepted or studied at the School of Electrical Engineering and Informatics (SEEI) and the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FMPE)," he said.
Professor of SEEI ITB, Prof. Ir. Armein Z.R. Langi, M.Sc., Ph.D., representing all faculty/school deans at ITB, expressed gratitude to the students who chose ITB as their place of study. He emphasized that knowledge is universal and can be learned anywhere. However, the passion and love for science and technology at ITB are unique and valuable to be shared.
Meanwhile, Dr. Drs. Agus Syihabudin, M.A., representing the Nusantara Module lecturers of PMM Batch 4, expressed gratitude for the smooth implementation of the Nusantara Module, which is the core of the PMM program at ITB. PMM 4 participants have engaged in various activities ranging from class presentations and discussions, visits to historical sites, places of worship, cultural centers, to breathtaking nature trips, which are expected to become cherished memories.
The Head of the Urban and Regional Planning Study Program (PWK), Dr. RM. Petrus Natalivan Indradjati, S.T., M.T., delivered a speech on behalf of all study program heads at ITB. He appreciated the active participation of students in the PMM program and hoped that their learning experience at ITB would become an important part of their lives. Dr. Petrus hoped that the valuable opportunities gained would enhance the participants' competencies and insights.
The Director of the Non-Regular Education Directorate ITB, Prof. Ir. Ridwan Sutriadi, S.T., M.T., Ph.D., officially opened the farewell ceremony for Batch 4 PMM students. He thanked everyone involved in the program's implementation and reminded them to share the positive experiences from the program with others.