Breaking Down the Role and Responsibility of a Professor in an Academic Environment in the Evening Talks FPF ITB
By Adi Permana
Editor Adi Permana

BANDUNG, – ITB’s Full Professor Forum (FPF ITB) invited ITB professors to an Evening Talks FGB session on Friday (29/7/2022). The discussion was moderated by Prof. Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha, B.Sc., M.Sc., and a professor of the Global Geophysics Research Group. Various professorial topics were discussed during the evening session.
The Head of FPF ITB Prof. Edy Tri Baskoro explained that at the moment ITB has 196 active professors and 13 emeritus professors. According to the newest data gathered from Scopus about the profile of these professors, every person has an average of 51 documents, 393 citations, and 8 in h-index.
“We purposefully created these kinds of forums as a media to develop as well as prepare potential academic leaders in ITB. At the very least, these forums can nurture stronger spirit and motivation among young lecturers to aim for the highest academic position, continuously create works and attain achievements to elevate ITB’s dignity, and contribute to the advancement of this nation,” stated Prof. Edy.
Prof. Dr. Ir. N. Harijono A. Tjokronegoro, a retired professor from ITB’s Faculty of Technological Industry, opened the discussion with a topic themed ‘The Meaning and Responsibility of a Professor’. He revealed that at the very basic, the nature of higher education such as ITB is to develop knowledge and culture for the development of Indonesian pride. A professor, as the highest functional academic officer in their field of knowledge, in the end, must bear the responsibility of preserving the dignity of the higher institution.
“ITB has the brightest students. How do we reclaim our best children to the community? This is an enormous responsibility for the academic society and academic leaders,” he asserted.
Being a wise academic leader for the community is one of a professor’s functions. More than just a flagbearer of their scholarly pursuits, the position also serves as a role model for academic communities in developing, upholding, and maintaining values as well as academic policies.
Meanwhile, for Prof. Dr. Ir. Suhono Harso Supangkat, M.Eng., ITB professor in the field of Information Technology and Communications, mentoring for lecturers is important to train how they will confront various parties in academic, government, industry, and community ecosystem. The mentoring session can also implement motivation, advice, and instruction. Some benefits that can be gained from faculty guidance for example are career satisfaction, self-confidence, growth mindset, and even mental health.
Aside from discussion, the session also weaved several tips from professors through the currently youngest ITB Professor, Prof. Dr. Delik Hudalah, S.T., M.T., M.Sc. He also told his personal process in managing his attained office at the age of 38 years old. Accordingly, three factors can support us during self-preparation, that is environmental factors, career planning, performance evaluation.
“Environmental factors are very important. What makes me very grateful these days is that ITB still preserves its outstanding academic atmosphere,” he expressed.
Moreover, he shared his opinion that a professor must be long-term oriented. Therefore, a professor will be selective and strategic in action, including during research, therefore producing quality results. He also urged cleverer connectivity among the higher education’s Tri Dharma (three principles) and how all three can synergize and even integrate.
Reporter: Ristania Putri Wahyudi Mathematics, 2019)
Translator: Firzana Aisya (Bioengineering, 2021)