Central of Microelectronic (PME) ITB Showcase Products for Information Devices in the International Arena
By Teguh Yassi Akasyah
Editor Teguh Yassi Akasyah

CeBIT 2014 was opened by German Chancellor, Angela Markel, and British Prime Minister, David Cameron. Do not want to be left behind, the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia for the EU also present in this event, which is attended by Arief Havas Oegrosono. In CeBIT 2014, displayed thousands of high-tech equipment information technology from many countries, including Indonesia . In that time, Indonesia proudly offered BWA BROMOTM, as a broadband Wireless Access (BWA) that was carried out by Trio Adiono, PhD, from the Central of Microelectronic (PME ITB).
BWA BROMOTM is a device that is useful for long-distance communication. The distance that can be reached by the device is reached 11 kilometers. BWA BROMOTM consists of the equipment Base Station and Customer Premise Equipment (CPE). Chipset broadband that is used in the device is also made by Indonesia, namely winusatm.
In addition BWA BROMOTM, another products that exhibited in CeBIT 2014 is the fourth generation device for wireless technology development, LTE. This equipment is built with the support of the Program Dukungan Industri Direktorat Jenderal Sumber Daya dan Perangkat Pos dan Informatika (SDPPI) that made by Ministry of Communications and Information Technology. As many as fifteen informatics from Indonesia participated in this exhibition, which is from the Department of Industry Republic of Indonesia.
Central of Microelectronic (PME) ITB
Central of Microelectronic (PME) ITB is a center of research which focuses on electronics process. It is headed by Trio Adiono, Ph.D, PME ITB has a vision to become the center of excellence that encourage on electronic technology and develop the electronics industry. In addition, PME ITB also do business incubation period for the company start-up based on technology.
PME ITB was established in 1986 through cooperation between DIKTI and the World Bank . In December 2013, the Ministry of Ristek and Technology of Indonesia has set the PME as a Center of Excellence for Science and Technology in Broadband Wireless Access field. With a great human resources, supporting equipment that adequate, and long experience, PME ITB deserved to be the center leading national science and technology.