Dr. Ir. Basuki E. Priyanto, MEng: Alumni ITB as A Dozens Patent Holder of Algorithm Including 4G
By Nida Nurul Huda
Editor Nida Nurul Huda

One of the patents is heteregenous algorithms in mobile phone networks to fourth generation technology ( 4G ) . He designed the algorithm so that the smart phone is capable of processing the signals received ( despite a lot of signal interference or nuisance ) so can still receive data at high speed .
According to Basuki , 4G technology has many challenges . On the one hand there is a huge demand for high-speed data , while on the other hand is very much interference due to cell - cell base station contiguous .
Basuki and the team have reached dozens of patents by the company he used to work , Ericsson AB , and Huawei Technologies Sweden AB, where he now works . At Huawei , he became a senior specialist who led a small team of five - six multinational researchers . The team was tasked to design an algorithm that can make smart phone has high performance but with an efficient energy as possible .
Progress in Europe
Basuki began doing business in Europe since 2005 . He received a scholarship as a doctoral student in the field of wireless communications at Aalborg Universitet , Denmark . When the research is supported by Nokia Siemens Networks .
When he graduated In 2008 , he arrived at a crossroads , between serving in the academic world , or plunge into the world of industry . Aalborg Universitet offered a postdoctoral associate , but Basuki also likely to work in two large companies , Nokia in Finland or Ericsson in Lund , Sweden .
Finally , he chose industry because it feels full of dynamics and provide more opportunities to interact with the appropriate technology . He decided to work on Ericsson AB , in Sweden . His decision was based on consideration of research at Ericsson AB or 4G in Sweden are generally fairly advanced .
Working in a multinational environment in Europe makes it challenging . He must be able to communicate across cultures as well speak directly to the point . This is because the system of organization in Northern Europe generally " flat " , not hierarchical , so that communication is open . " In many ways , this makes our work more efficient , " he said .
Dreams Become ManufacturersAccording to Basuki, one key to success is to not give up easily . When he first apply for a doctoral position at Aalborg Universitet , he was rejected . However , a few weeks later he applied again at the same university and he i received . In addition, it is required diligence and focus on work . Basuki feel that hard work pays off when he managed to find a technology that will exist in the future faster than others. Especially when the idea was applied in mobile phones and used by millions of people .
" It was pride , " Basuki said that does not necessarily complacent . " What I have achieved is still can not be compared to the thousands of existing patents 4G . "
On the other hand , he admitted there is something less pleasant doing business in Europe . " I feel bad to work abroad , " he said . It made him stay away from the family , especially his parents . Therefore , one challenge is how he can take part in Indonesia, although it is still relatively difficult because Indonesia is still a consumer . He said that the government has not been much effort to make a more independent telecommunications sector in Indonesia .
However , it did not make he is silent . Basuki trying the possibility of establishing a design center and international research in Indonesia . He invites members of the Indonesian Diaspora and other potentially have similar skills to collaborate . He hopes this can be realized .
"Indonesia is a big market, but so far only as a user . Terms of technology , we just follow what has been developed abroad . Actually many Indonesian people are potentially , but not yet found the right facility, " he said .
Although far from where he lives , Basuki seeks to contribute to Indonesia . For example , when he got home , he took time to give a public lecture at several universities , such as Bandung Institute of Technology and TelkomUniversity . He wanted to broaden the students to be motivated to learn and higher school , as well as confidence.
He also had a " dream " that Indonesian people who live abroad and are members of the Indonesian Diaspora can build a global network of container . In this network , members can communicate with each other Indonesian Diaspora , especially regarding the potential of each .
Hopefully his hopes can be realized and Indonesia is no longer a mere consumer .
Source: Kompas Friday, January 10, 2014
Photo source : tekno.kompas.com