Delegations of ITB Represent Libya in HNMUN 2012
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

In a press conference which was held on Thursday (09/02/12), Prof. Kadarsah, Academical and Student Vice Chancellor, said that ITB encourages its students in this event to internationalize ITB itself. Student Mobility, one of ITB's internationalization policies, supports its student to do exchange not only in curricular, but also in extracurricular activities like HNMUN. "For the students, this (HMUN-red) is the chance to expand international knowledge and network," he said.
From and For Students
There are not many delegations from Indonesia's universities which are trusted to represent a country like Libya, which is one of the hard countries to be represented. Beside individual research as a responsible act of the trust, the delegations of ITB have trained regularly under the coordination of Ganesha Model United Nation Club (GMUN), a student organization accommodating students' passion in MUN. ITB students who have taken part in all MUN before become the mentors for the delegations. The delegations were trained to increase their skills in making effective research methods, making position papers, and diplomacy. Until now, the delegations of ITB are accompanied by their seniors who have taken part in MUN events before and more experienced. The students were through the process all by alone, from the selection until the departure.