Dies 53 ITB, In Harmonia Progressio

Oleh Amelia Rahma Faustina

Editor Amelia Rahma Faustina

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Friday (2/2), the Bandung Institute of Technology turns 53-year-old. A journey that is long enough for the oldest institute in Indonesia. Entitled as the best institute in Indonesia, ITB also gives many contributions to the nation.
A ceremony to commemorate the journey held in Aula Barat ITB Bandung. All academic community of ITB were invited to attend the ceremony.

The ceremony began with the delivery of a speech by the Chairman of Majelis Wali Amanat ITB (MWA), Yani Panigoro. In his speech, Yani congratulates the achievements that ITB get until now. He also hopes ITB could form the engineer character as ITB's role to develop the Indonesian human resources in the future.

"ITB as the oldest technical university in Indonesia, has been appropriately used to take a leading role to participate preparing the human resources who can fill in development of Indonesia in the future," he said.

Later, the Secretary of the Senate Academic (SA) ITB, Doddy Sutarno, gives a speech about the role of SA in the driving direction and steps for ITB. He hoped that ITB could put itself as one of the best universities in Indonesia.

"The ability to provide massive and powerful influences on the environment, both in the national level, and international,"he said.

The event continued with a speech by the Rector, Prof. Akhmaloka, on ipteks, ethics, and character education in higher education. He said that character education is essential in order to produce scholars who possess ethics.

"Development of character education in higher education institutions to respond to more important matters related to the range of sustainability issues, issues of democracy, and corruption-free life issues," said the rector.

A scientific oration titled "Upgrading the national carbon in order to find alternative energy sources to overcome the energy crisis" by Prof. Aryadi Suwono is also delivered in the commemoration ceremonial.

Aryadi shows various studies that have been done related to increasing carbon value belonging to Indonesia. Not only carbon, he also highlights the potential of biomass and waste management of urban areas.

"Hopefully this research can be a thought to cope the growing energy crisis we've been through nowadays," he said.

Furthermore, ITB also gave Medali Ganesa Bakti Cendekia Utama to the principals who retired at the event:

   1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Jacub Rais, M.Sc (Alm) from FITB
   2. Prof. Dr. Ir. F. Ahmadi Djajasugita, M.Sc from STEI
   3. Prof. Dr. Ir. Andrianto Handojo from FTI
   4. Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Sutjiatmo from FTMD
   5. Prof. Ir. Pudjo Sukarno, M.Sc., Ph.D from FTTM
   6. Prof. Dr. Ir. Isaac Hanafiah Ismullah, DEA, Td from FITB

Ganesa Cendekia Adiutama Medal was given to Prof. Ir. Maman A. Djauhari from FMIPA

Ganesa Cendekia Widya Utama Medals were given to:

   1. Prof. Ir. Hang Tuah Salim, M.Oc.E., Ph.D from FTSL
   2. Drs. Kaboel Suadi from FSRD
   3. Dr. Achadiyat Joedawinata from FSRD
   4. Dr. Prijanto Sunarto from FSRD
   5. Prof. Budhy Tjahjati S. Sugijoko, Ir.MCP., Ph.D from SAPPK
   6. Prof.B.S. Kusbiantoro, Ir., MA., M.Sc., Ph.D from SAPPK
   7. Prof. Bambang Bintoro Soedjito, Ir., MRRP., Ph.D from SAPPK
   8. Dr. Lumban Toruan (Alm) from SF

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