Dies Natalis IMMG ITB: Sinergize Organization, Department and Alumni of Metallurgy

Oleh Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

Editor Adhitia Gesar Hanafi

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Ikatan Mahasiswa Teknik Metalurgi (IMMG) ITB held the Seventh Dies Natalis on  Friday (07/11/14). Lecturer from Metallurgical Department, alumni of Metallurgical Department ITB, and members of IMMG ITB, they are all gathered with happily atmosphere and succed to raised up the warm atmosphere in ITB West Hall while the rain is falling. That event promoted the theme 'Sinergisasi IMMG, Program Studi dan Alumni Dalam Penyiapan SDM yang Mendukung Indonesia Mandiri Dalam Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Mineral'. Different with Dies previously , in this year Dies is the part of Indonesian Process Metallurgy (IPM) IV which held by Metallurgical Engineering Program.
The event begun with opening speech form chief of IMMG-ITB, M. Rizki (Metallurgical Engineering 2011) at seven o'clock. Also joined in the event, DR. mont. M. Zaki Mubarok, S.T.,M.T. as a Chief of Metallurgical Engineering Department of ITB. On his speech, Zaki Mubarok highly appreciated that IMMG-ITB have been done the good communication with the Metallurgical Engineering Department. On his last speech, he wish an easy way to all of students to get the best grade in study. Beside that, he hope that communication between IMMG-ITB, Alumni, and Department  can still in the good way. In this opening event, student from Fajar Harapan orphanage also joined and perform a traditional music. Fajar Harapan is a place where member of IMMG teach and share their happiness as a social responsibility for community.

In this Dies, the committee served  a relax and warm discusiion between the lecturer, alumni, and the students about the theme, moderated by Nurulhuda Halim (Metallurgical Engineering 2009). Discussion began with story about history of Metallurgical Engineering in ITB by Eddy Agus Basuki as a lecturer of Metallurgical Department. In this discussion, the alumni also told about their story and gave an advice to all students that organization is important to create alumni which not only good in knowledge, but also good in soft-skill.

IMMG ITB was born on 5th October 2007 as an organization for all students in Metallurgical Engineering Department Program. IMMG built for support all activity and place  for Metallurgical Engineering Student to improve their soft-skill and organization competences. In it's seven age, many of appreciation  both in academic category and non-academic category in national and international scale have been gotten. Any kind of internal activity to support their friendship, activity to improve knowledge, personal skill, character, leadership, and soft-skill always run by IMMG ITB.

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