Dongskar Pedongi Team from ITB Road to the Final Round ACM ICPC 2013 in Russia
By Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin
Editor Diviezetha Astrella Thamrin

BANDUNG, - After winning IEEExtreme 24-hour Programming Competition in November 2012, 3 students majoring Informatics Engineering from ITB teamed up in Dongskar Pedongi--a name they call their team--drove to the final round ACM International Collegiate Programming Competition (ICPC) 2013 which will be held at St. Petersburg, Russia, in June 2013. ACM ICPC is annual international programmings contest for collegiate. This competition is held by Baylor University in Texas and sponsored by IBM.
ACM ICPC is the most competitive computer programming contest participated by approximately 112 best universities all around the world. This prestigious contest is directed by a professor from Baylor University, Professor William B. Poucher as the Executive Director and supported by Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). ACM ICPC is parted to regional contest which is run globally. The winner from this regional contest then will drive on until the final round for international level competition.
In regional contest for Asia region, Dongskar Pedongi had succeeded in surpassing other winning teams from China, Taiwan, and surrounding. In this year contest, Dongskar Pedongi was winning best local team award and gained additional points which brought them victory to road on to the final round. The success of this team in driving to the final round is an outstanding achievement, continuing the previous year team's success in competing in international level ACM ICPC.
The students in Dongskar Pedongi Team are Irvan Jahja (Informatics Engineering 2009), Christianto Handojo (Informatics Engineering 2010), and Ahmad Zaky (Informatics Engineering 2010). In this programming contest, these students is working together to design a software which will be used for solving real computer programming problems in 5-hour deadline.
Team which will be the winner is the team who is capable in solving the most problems correctly in the shortest time and with the minimum attempts. Creativity, team work, and innovation in developing the software are some of the main parameters in this contest.