Soemardja Gallery Showed Graphic Arts of Setiawan Sabana

Oleh Nida Nurul Huda

Editor Nida Nurul Huda

BANDUNG, - ITB Soemardja Gallery held back an exhibition of works of art from renowned artists Indonesia. This time, the works on display are owned Setiawan Sabana which currently holds the title of Professor of Fine Arts at the Faculty of Art and Design (FSRD) ITB. The exhibition, titled "Diagnosis: search for Art Gait Setiawan Sabana" was held on Friday (10/24/14) to Friday (14/11/14). In the opening, the exhibition was officially opened by Tisna Sanjaya (Lecturer Arts FSRD ITB) are also famous for works of art.
"Solo exhibition with the topic are taken into account with ITB Soemardja Gallery curator team. Implementation of the event not only emphasizes on my work, but to the pursuit of art that followed," said Setiawan, known as a graphic artist. Implementation solo exhibition Setiawan this time driven by the spirit of Danuh Tyas Pradipta and Zusfa Roihan as curator and research team of the exhibition. Curator process was conducted with different techniques, Danuh and Zusfa try to add elements Setiawan semietografis and researching work in terms of the history and meaning. The results are set forth in the drawings curator large diagram on one of the walls in the Gallery Soemardja. In addition to exhibiting works of art, a solo exhibition Setiawan this time enlivened by peluncura book entitled "Art Perspective Setiawan Sabana", which is a book with a collection of writings Setiawan since the 1980s to the present. Setiawan Sabana's book was launched on Friday (07/11/14) at ITB Soemardja Gallery.

Until now, Setiawan has held many solo and group exhibitions. Some solo exhibition ever held was "The Cosmos of Paper" at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur in 2013, "Jagat Paper" in heralds Culture, Jakarta on knowledge in 2011, and "Blind Book" in Sigi Art Gallery, Jakarta in 2008. in 1982, Setiawan also held a solo exhibition at Gallery 200 Visual Arts Building, Northern Illinois University, USA, when it Setiawan are menembuh master's degree at the university venue for the exhibition.

The Special Contribution Award winner of Asian Art Exhibition for the outstanding contributions of the 22nd Asian Intrnasional Art Exhibition in 2007 was known as a graphic artist since his graduation from the Department of Graphic Arts, FSRD ITB in 1977. At that time, the graphic arts was less enthused by the artist or observer works, but it is a challenge to cultivate love Setiawan observer artwork for the graphic arts. Until now, the ITB FSRD professor has managed to lift his work became known graphic art results both nationally and internationally. "I hope that this exhibition can be used as the beginning of a tradition of solo exhibitions for every faculty of fine arts," adds Setiawan.

Sources of information: a solo exhibition catalogs Books Setiawan Sabana, "Diagnosis: search for Art Gait Setiawan Sabana", 2014.

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