Dr. Andri D NugrahaAwarded as Outstanding Lecturer in Lecturer Education Personnel Award 2015

Oleh Vinskatania Agung A

Editor Vinskatania Agung A

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - On Monday (10/26/2015), The Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education (Kemenristek Dikti) gave appreciation to the lecturers and staff through the Lecturer and Education Personnel Award 2015 for the dedication of the perpetrators of higher education. Through this event, representatives of ITB, Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha, S.Si., M.Sc. (Lecturer of Geophysical Engineering ITB) won the third place as Outstanding Lecturer. This award is the 12th annual event organized by Kemenristek Dikti.
The Director General of Resources Science and Technology and Higher Education, Ali Ghufron Mukti, said the award is expected to encourage lecturers and education staff to continue to excel (quoted from www.pikiran-rakyat.com). There are six categories in the annual event; outstanding lecturers, outstanding head of the study program, outstanding laboratorian, outstanding librarian, outstanding financial management personnel, and outstanding administrative staff.

"The competition is held to build hard work, so that higher education will produce professional, unique and have high competitiveness human resources," said Ali Ghufron Mukti on Monday (10/26/2015), quoted from www. pikiran-rakyat.com. Assessment of finalist itself has been done since May 2015. The finalists made presentations and interviews on their masterpiece. In the category of educators, assessment will be measured in creative work and innovative ideas related to their careers in the educational environment.

Currently, Dr. Andri Dian Nugraha is being served as Head of the Geophysics Engineering Department, Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering (FTTM) ITB. He graduated from Kyoto University, Japan and has had many achievements and various international and national publications. One of his published works in 2010 entitled 'Thermal Structure Estimation in Western Japan Subduction Zone by Applying Seismic Velocity and Attenuation Tomography Data' also presented at the event the International Geosciences & Exposition, Bali 2010.

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