Earth Day Campaign: Fun Bike to Earth

Oleh asni jatiningasih

Editor asni jatiningasih

BANDUNG, - In order to commemorate  world Earth Day which falls on 22 April, Environmental Engineering Student Association (HMTL) Campaigned the Earth Day: Fun Bike for Earth, a parade that invites ITB students to participate keeping the earth . Event was held on Thursday (23/04/09), in the area surrounding the campus.
More than one hundred students who are not only members of HMTL, but also a combination of ITB students from other studies program that morning riding their bicycles, some of them walking and wearing costumes that represent the trees, and some other cried out  slogans to celebrate the world Earth Day . In addition, there was also held the tree planting by students associations from various study programs and some student units in ITB, then continued with the lecture on facts about earth today, and what solutions we can do to maintain the preservation of the earth. In the afternoon, HMTL students  spread to the entire campus to ask for an impression of students and messages about the earth and the environment and wrote those down in piece of papers.

History of Earth Day
First world earth day fall on 22 April 1970. At that time about 20 million people celebrate Earth Day with a campaign led by a simultaneous local senator Gaylord Nelson. At the beginning, this campaign is only campaigns about zero population and population explosion (baby boom) besides at that time the United States was also experiencing various forms of negative effects of industrialization after Vietnam war with many hazardous chemical waste and pollution that riot. Since then it is defined april 22 as the Earth Day worldwide.

Events initiated by HMTL students also supported by student units who also supports the World Earth Day celebrations, such as U-GREEN, Student Family Nature Lovers (KMPA), Ganesha Bicycle, and also the Ganesha Green. With such a celebration event, it is expected the students willalso participate and contribute in maintaining the earth's sustainablility, start from small things, such as participate to make the environment green, and the easiest thing is throw the trashes in the trash can. 

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