Freshmen Performed in Graduation Ceremony for the First Time

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, - April is a special month which every students had been waiting for. Every April, ITB hold the second graduation in each academic year. This year, the series of the ceremony was held on Friday-Saturday (11-12/04/14). Not only for the graduates, was the ceremony has also a special moment for all the students. Before, only the students who have enter particular majors can participate to enliven the celebration. For the first time, freshmen also performed in the ceremony. The freshmen got a chance to perform the tradition from all over Indonesia. The theme "All around the World" which the committee chose for this year did not make them forget to show off the Indonesian culture itself.

The freshmen from each faculty did various cultural performances. There were nine faculties who were on the stage in the front of ITB-Ganesha main gate. Faculty of Mining and Petroleum Engineering 2013 students was the first one to perform. They chose Papua culture in their performance. Next, School of Pharmacy 2013 students put one of the Sundanese traditional dances on the show. On the third, Faculty of Industrial Engineering 2013 acted the wayang story from Central Java. The play was beautifully accompanied by Javanese traditional music. After that, the girls from Faculty of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering 2013 performed the traditional dance from South Sumatera. Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2013 followed and put "Sounds of The East" theme on the stage. They combined the percussion, Toraja traditional dance, theatrical show, and modern dance in one show. After them, Faculty of Earth Science and Technology amazed the audiences by Kecak dance from Bali. School of Electro and Informatics Engineering was not less riveting. They performed numerous traditional dance from Sumatera including from West Sumatra, Riau, Aceh, South Sumatra, and Aceh. The next performance went to Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Science. They acted Betawi role play and ended it with a flash mob. At the end, School of Architecture and Urban Planning performed Nias traditional dance. Some of the students also played Lompat Batu, a unique tradition which comes from that one part of North Sumatra Province.  They closed the performance of freshmen in the front of ITB-ganesha main gate amazingly.

Faculty of Fine Arts and Design 2013 got a special tiket to perform in the center of the campus which is Plaza Widya Nusantara. They got an incredible theme which was called "Sugaraptor". In each graduation ceremony, the students of this faculty got to perform an out-of-the-box show in Plaza Widya Nusantara. Other ITB students were always waiting for this performance. This time, the students performed in pastel colors and all the properties turned the campus into a candy land.

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