FSRD Held Seminar Forensics and Audit of Art, Science, and Technology

Oleh Mega Liani Putri

Editor Mega Liani Putri

BANDUNG, itb.ac.id - Humaniora expertise group of Fine Art and Design Faculty held a seminar of Forensics and Audit of Art, Science, and Technology on Wednesday (11/06/14) at West Hall of ITB Ganesha campus. The half-day seminar was attended by about 150 participants from various job field like senators, police, student, social worker, artist, civil servant, and the guests from Bandung universities. The purpose of the event was so that the participants could deeply understand about forensics and audit of art, science, and technology. The fast developing era insists the improvement of problems analysis by doing forensics.

Dr. Ir. Dicky R. Munad, M.Sc., M.SCE. as the leader of Humaniora expertise group (KKIK) said that the event was annual. This year was the third one. "Forensics and audit were the activity to analyze the facts. The implementation was not only in law and criminal sphere but also the cultural matter. We are demanded to contribute in protecting the civilization, including mutual aid. ITB itself has job in humaniora matter just like that," Dr. Dicky said.

KKIK today has three laboratories which are 1) Forensics of Linguistics, Art, Science, and Technology, 2) Genolinguistics, 3) Insurance and Audit of Art, Science, and Techlogy. KKIK was responsible in the matter of forensics and audit of art, science, and technology. According to the dean of FSRD, Dr. Imam Santosa, M.Sn., the forensics audit got to be applied proactively and reactively to find the real truth. Nowadats, forensics has been developed and can handle IT and art.

The administrator of Ikatan Auditor Teknologi Indonesia, Ir. Yanto Sugiharto, M.BA was the first speaker of the day, explained the paper entitled "Audit Sains dan Teknologi". He said that the audit of technology was demanded based on four factors. Firstly, the development of technology has effeted the environment, especially the hazardous substances. Secondly, there is the need of protecting the public from any accident. Thirdly, the policy has to be implied well and right on the target. Forth, the national technology has to be developed so that we would not depend on imports too much.

The second speaker was Willy Himaean S.Sn, M.Sn, painter and the alumnus of ITB Fine Art. He was on the stage to explain Drs. Aminudin T.H., M.Sn.'s paper which was "Forensik Karya Seni: Jejak Lukisan Palsu". It turned out that the forensics are really demanded to identify the originality of art pieces. Lately, there were so many forgery cases. The problems got to be solved and forensics are totally needed.

Dr. J. Haryatmoko, Philosophy Lecture of Sanata Dharma University in Yogyakarta and the director of Training Etika Publik in Pusan Etika Indonesia, was the last speaker. He talked about his own paper entitled "Pengaruh Teknologi terhadap Budaya Masyarakat Kontemporer". In the paper, Dr. J. Haryatmoko mentioned the technology development nowadays has brought the people to hedonism culture. Hedonism attempted the people to fulfill the need as soon as possible following the human lust.

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